Sunday, February 20, 2011

Has Heather Brooke Retired

Egypt promises to release monitor and respect peace transition and expand its revolution to other Arab countries

Finished the protests after the withdrawal of Mubabak in Tahrir Square, people go back to it to celebrate a historic feat, the popular revolution that three weeks ended the oppressive regime and the assumption of the armed forces formed the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and reiterated the willingness of Lier civil democratic transition and open election also respect national and international treaty was welcomed by Israel not always hide his concern. Also
Islamic organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood put a large fraction of support within the caution to avoid confrontation with the previous state in politics and to the Islamist rulers of Iran are governed by groups with Turkish premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan one popular.Pero Muslim leaders over the crisis in Islam for its continuing neglect of the rights of his people with violations may signal a new era of rebirth characterized by different religious form of government to encourage sensitivity of society to take democracy seriously.
The Egyptian popular revolt turned the page and its radiation are expressive of a global political awakening. This began with the end of the Cold War, continued in Latin America, Europe may affect the onset of the economic crisis is spreading like a stain so voracious in North Africa and the Middle East.
Something that will be unveiled Mubarak is out of his fortune would amount to U $ S 70,000 million and raise voices calling for an audit to uncover the mystery of his property and a few hours of his resignation officials Disable ALL Swiss banks freeze their assets to their family and former officials relatives. For its part laoposociĆ³n leaders pledged to press an investigation into the finances of Mubarak.
estimates the figures vary widely rumors but U.S. officials estimated his fortune between 2000 and 3000 million dollars.
"While the corruption of the Mubarak family was not to steal from the budget but to transform the political capital in private" Samer Suleiman said professor of political economy at the American University in Cairo, but harder to answer is the level of corruption involving himself Mubarak.
As an echo that is expanding throughout the region, Iran, rebellions in Egypt and Tunisia that inspired their protests in several Middle Eastern countries, join including Iran, Yemen and Bahrain, and Libya's Gaddafi forces suppressed with strong oppression, and are Jordan, Morocco and Algeria, where thousands of people took to the streets to demand greater freedoms.
The most significant progress was in Tehran, where the organizers attempted to evoke and express solidarity with the recent uprising in Egypt, which ended the dictatorial government of Hosni Mubarak.
Tens of thousands of opposition supporters defied a government ban and clashed with police in the square Enghelab (the Revolution), in the center of the capital, as well as Imam Hossein Square, and other cities of Iran.
security forces cracked down on protesters with beatings and tear gas, according to witnesses, there were numerous arrests, including that of the English Consul, Ignacio Perez Cambra, who was detained at a police station for more than four hours and then was released.
"We support Moussavi, said one protester, referring to Mir Hossein Moussavi, a leading Iranian opposition and former presidential candidate.
"An Iranian dies but does not accept humiliation" and "Death to the dictator," said another, referring to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
While growing fear of a domino effect in the Arab world after the fall of the presidents of Egypt and Tunisia, anti-government demonstrations were repeated now in Bahrain, where police repression killed two people, and Yemen, where around 1000 demonstrators clashed with police.
In Bahrain, a Persian Gulf kingdom has its depleted oil reserves and is relatively poor compared with the other monarchies of the region, police used tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters in several Shiite villages, witnesses said.
In Libya joined growing protests against the regime Kadafy carrying 200 people, while his son to Islam 42 years Serif forward reforms and warned of a plot to overthrow his father are orchestrated by Islamic organizations in order to divide the country, governed by Sharia (sacred law of Muslims), and it's tribal leaders.

Libya and the risk of entering a civil war and said that his father is not the Abidine Zini Mubarak and former ousted from Egypt and Tunisia.
In his speech last night, Seif El Islam gave the impression that the Libyan regime would not remain with folded arms and said that the army will play a "vital role" in restoring security. Given this
thousands of people took to the streets in Tripoli burning the seat of government and public buildings, among which are the Ministry of Justice. "This situation has been alarming rumors favors by each other," said Nezar Ahmed Libyan journalist, who mentioned including possible Kadafy flee the country and resignations among senior leaders of the army and other security forces.
already a large majority of the deaths took place in Tripoli but in the city of Benghazi, the second in the country, where they started protests. In this city in the east of Libya, there were more bloody clashes with security forces and opponents today seized control of the airport.
At midnight on Sunday the people took control of Benghazi airport to stop weapons and soldiers leaving the airport, hearing Kadafy had fled the country. People took their weapons to face, said Servet Zengin, a Turkish worker trapped in that city.
Given the enormous escalation of violence and the silence of the government of Tripoli, the premier, Al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi said that Libyan "entitled to take measures to preserve stability the country ", said the state agency Jana.


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