Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nusdist Russian Bare Family

calderon war can not be silent NO MORE BLOOD!

can not be silent!

José Gil Olmos. 1/11/2011

The 2011 began with a daunting picture. The first few minutes on Saturday, 1 several people watched as a group of armed men boarded a footbridge Monterrey and released a body that was suspended. It was a woman with a rope around his neck, torso and face bloodied, the signs of torture were notorious.

death was 30 000 197 resulting from the war that President Felipe Calderon launched against organized crime. According to official statistics, each executed 21 people a day die because of this crusade.

"There is much discontent in the country, many people Header ..., tired, desperate, who feel powerless in the situation we're seeing. So we thought we could do something so that people can express peacefully their discontent and frustration, "said Eduardo del Rio, better known as Rius.

The cartoonist explains that the national campaign began yesterday in which he and several of his colleagues invite the society to put in a visible place in their homes, offices or vehicles cards or papers that read "Enough blood! ". Ruis

anticipates that the cover of the next edition of the magazine Chamuco and children of the underworld will bring that motto. The purpose is to invite other media, including radio and television stations, to convene the public to make their own cards in which demand a halt to the violence.

Considered one of the most important political cartoonists the country during the last decades has left Rius shaped his work in comics as The Supermachos and The crouching and monkeys have been published in various media, including Process.

He is the author of several books where he throws against the Mexican political system (His Majesty the PRI, Los Panuchos, From the Cristeros to Fox), consumerism (the drug that cool), U.S. imperialism (Vera history of Uncle Sam, The endless conquest of Mexico) and religion (Manual of the perfect atheist, The Myth of Guadalupe, the supermarket sects).

Thursday 6, La Jornada reported, based on data from Straffor consultant, specializing in national security, that last year the increase in homicides related to organized crime increased by 60 and 70% over 2009.

During the interview with the weekly, Rius stresses the need for citizens to express their displeasure with the exacerbated violence enveloping the country, especially the helplessness in which we live. And he insists that the campaign is more than justified.

says that while Calderón denies responsibility for the violence and the increase in deaths following its declaration of war on organized crime, the Attorney General admitted last December that in the last four years had killed 30 000 196 people associated with this violence.

Of that total, 12 000 456 occurred between January and November 2010. Attorney Arturo Chavez Chavez said Dec. 16 that most of the victims fell by disputes between drug cartels relating to the control of routes into the United States, and as a result of raids by the army and police items Federal.

"It is unfortunate that death toll, but it also means that there has been more successful in attacking criminal organizations, which are more desperate," the official justified.

The figure could be much higher as Attorney did not consider missing in the context of the violence generated by drug trafficking in the last four years.

A report by the National Commission on Human Rights (NCHR) mentions that in those four years 5 000 397 people reported missing, most of Puebla, Estado de Mexico, Coahuila, Mexico City, Chiapas, Hidalgo and Guanajuato.

addition, the program director of the National Commission Presumed Missing, Tomás Serrano, told El Universal on Sunday 2 that the number of unidentified dead is 8 000 898 cases across the country. Their ages, he said, between 20 and 60 years.

Figures are partial, since only include data provided by the authorities of Aguascalientes, Chiapas, Guanajuato, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala and Mexico City over the past two years, said Serrano. Still, the levels of violence are highest in the state of Chihuahua, where there were 3 000 766 homicides linked to organized crime during the past year, according to the Attorney General (FGE).

According to these data, in Chihuahua, 15 people were killed at day 10 of those deaths were attributed to criminal groups. According to figures from the EGF, 72% of homicides were motivated by the settling of scores between criminal gangs organized. Of the municipalities of that entity, that of Ciudad Juárez is the most violent, with 3 000 186 murders in 2010.

public campaign must do something to show social unrest, "the header ... many people have but do not know how to show, "insists Rius:" So we thought that a way might be preparing and displaying cards which displayed the phrase: 'No more blood! ". It is a cry of despair. " On Monday

all cartoonists who chose to participate in their respective jobs put that slogan. "For many people to participate in this way is very important; makes them feel they are doing something rather than sit back and throwing mothers, hoping that some day I touch them or their loved ones the bullet.

"We have no political or business sponsors and television. We mere citizens who want to do something and wants to help other citizens who do not have any means at their disposal to express his disappointment. "

- So far has not expressed a lot of the social discontent it says.

- What happens is that the TV stations have been commissioned for 50 years to create multiple generations of Mexicans apathetic, misinformed and have come to see natural what is happening, believe that while they do not touch them to continue living there.

"But there are many Mexicans who are concerned about the country, which fortunately does not depend on the major TV networks (to make a decision) and have created an awareness that this may change. The trouble is that sometimes we fall into the impotence to express this discontent. " Rius

expects a good response from people. "No matter, he says, who knows who is ahead, what matters is that the campaign will resonate."

- You and some cartoonists promote this campaign using humor.

- Yes We have the ability to download our bile and disappointment with humor. Since most people do not have this possibility, we decided to give some advice to emerge from the helplessness and do something. The easiest way is to do so by means of cards in their cars, it is their homes, their workplaces, schools, anywhere.

Moreover, "this government can not even give interviews to the serious press, the press that he favors. He has never given an interview! Then, as you have created a huge division between the government and the governed. People have a lot of distrust politicians because they have seen that are good for nothing; se llaman representantes populares pero no representan a nadie”.

Reitera que trata de una manifestación pacífica de descontento y de deseo para que cambie esta situación:

“Estamos recurriendo a este modesto conducto para que la gente pueda expresarse libremente y pacíficamente sus inquietudes y sus descontentos. Nos están llevando a un estado de importamadrismo. Ya no nos importa que hoy hayan sido ejecutadas 40 ó 50 personas… Si al día siguiente se repite la misma cifra de muertos, la gente dice: ‘Bueno, ¿qué podemos hacer, si estamos atados de manos ante esta situación?’.

“Por eso nosotros queremos hacer algo y estamos inviting different media such as process, which enjoys sympathy in many quarters, to show solidarity with us, his readers, to show their pissed off in this way, the only we can offer. " Rius

says we're shocked. "People already have so many problems with families, with children, with excessive increases, people no longer know where to turn. And we like this Chahuistle over a war that is only causing deaths of Mexicans who also have family that will be abandoned. "

- How will the season start?

- Well, it's with the appearance of the phrase "Enough blood!" On the cover of the magazine Chamuco, we will also seek other means such as La Jornada join, as well as the news of Carmen Aristegui, Ricardo Rocha, writers such as Elena Poniatowska, Sergio Aguayo and analysts as Lorenzo Meyer, actresses like Jesusa Rodríguez join.

"We want to incorporate from Monday 10 to participate in radio, television. And even when we see it a little difficult, we will do it. "

This notice was taken of the following website:

intellectuals applauded the campaign Enough blood!

We do not want to get used to the murders or settle for the kill each : Epigmenio Ibarra

violence is the result of centuries of poverty and ignorance, the solution is very long term, said Fernando del Paso

newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday January 11, 2011, p. 2

artists and intellectuals welcomed the campaign Enough blood! , led by cartoonist Eduardo del Río (Rius ) and journalist Julio Scherer, who protest against violence in the country itself, in so far six years, has claimed over 30,000 victims.

noted that it is essential that civil society to express, so strong, his rejection of the policies of President Felipe Calderon has led to the climate of insecurity and fear that exists in Mexico, which qualified for wrong .

The majority of members of the cultural community believe that Islam urges a change in strategy in fighting crime, particularly through support for culture, not weapons, as well as launching a political strong .

Here the words of those who gave their opinion:

Fernando del Paso,


I'm not one to give a prescription to eliminate or decrease radical violence, but I think it is the result of long-term phenomena: poverty and ignorance, which existed from the colonial period, but before they could not easily express.

What are those 100 000 or more Ninis, no studies or work? They are easily seduced by the underworld. Thus, he did not like the crime, when committed and gets money begins to like. However, the fault lies not only in this government, ignorance and poverty is not created in six years. It's something we carry. Not the Calderón regime, but since the Revolution and before. And the change has to be a very long term. As the English say, before it gets better the case is going to get worse.

Raquel Tibol,

art criticism:

should be supported Andrés Manuel López Obrador because he has a very serious project and is what happens to face with the cartoon. At the pervasive criminal state is backed by the government to respond with a strong political project that can not do the cartoonists. What help but give in to those who have the best project.

Lourdes Arizpe,


Obvious that are violent proponents of violence and they must be stopped. But the big question is who are not violent but why so many Mexicans have become so violent in the past ten years. The toxic combination are the policies that generate inequality and unemployment combined with the total inability to have stopped the export of drugs, the importation of arms and money laundering combined with the imposition of religious ideologies ideologies liabilities on policies that could have opened channels of expression, debate and negotiation with the excluded in their own country.

I applaud the citizens' campaign against violence leading La Jornada, Process and Rius, but requires two levels of strategy: require, after 30 people dead, a shift from a policy of police violence towards economic and political management of drug trafficking in the realm of possibility in impaired sovereignty. And, secondly, the insurgency against the weapons industry and those who, having the technology and force to stop drug trafficking, have not. In other words, to prevent further drug trafficking becoming violent arm of politics.

Victor Flores Olea,

political scientist:

is appalling blood when it goes across the country and the big question at the heart of many Mexicans is whether the Army have removed their headquarters has other purposes, such as simply keeping the power of the National Action Party in government and, of course, hold the power of the rich in Mexico and the misery. And, ultimately, as did Colombia in recent times, opening a big gap to the U.S. military as an instrument of national control also.

Clearly the failure of the purely military and police attempt to defeat organized crime . What has not excelled is the work of intelligence, prevention, economic dislocation of criminal gangs, without this victory is assured of crime in Mexico. That is why Felipe Calderón to expect a spectacular defeat and daily harvest. And worse: all this red spot on the country could hold an absolutely unacceptable appeasement.

Elena Poniatowska,


culture and education are the first choices violence. Also have the same opportunities, because unemployment is what most encouraged. In addition to Internet legend Enough blood! There to make posters to put on the walls of our homes, making banners, the more I talk, I say and disclose what else is going to help this campaign. In our country, opening the newspaper is now a sledgehammer to know all the news about the violence experienced. In a society in which there is a gulf between social classes which have union can be a self-protection. We are helpless. When my children were small in command alone to Miscellaneous and returned with exact change. Now we are scared for our children on the streets. The alternative is that we live and we have to use that to say enough is enough.

Culture is

an option, always has been. What's going to take Mexico to the world? And oil will be exhausted, then the answer is culture, that's what we need to encourage.

Elmer Mendoza, author


The campaign is covering a priority to support the society. When artists take the voice sounds very strong message, then it increases the possibility of reaching all kinds of ears. I really like what you are doing the master Eduardo del Rio.

Without the government to lose status, urges negotiations, which would be natural given the current situation. If you have declared war and society is losing, it is becoming a victim, the authorities have to negotiate with the enemy, they have to get an amnesty. It is absurd that so many people are dying. I think the actions of the cartoonists fulfill their duty to remind the government to take action, it is not possible that this error has been committed to declare war and persist in it.

We writers are on a campaign of not giving the cities. In this initiative we want people to go to theaters, parks, is present. Demonstrate that we are a strong company that will not allow us to remove the legacy of our ancestors.

Luis de Tavira,

playwright and theater director:

this reaction seems to me essential to expose the general public and go to their demonstration energetic. I think the only thing that can oppose the barbarism in which we have fallen is to build awareness and unity in the demonstration for the defense of human life, who face violence begets more violence. I hope the initiative will have important public resonance, and then all think.

There is clearly the wrong strategy in the government's reaction organized crime and insecurity, that is, what has been done is to fight with guns and weapons that is the only thing that generates more violence. That's not the way, is seen. The problem is enormously complex and has to do with the whole system of the situation. The only possibility of reversing is to build awareness on the values, starting with human dignity and the human capacity to solve problems by means of rationality and civility, because otherwise we are playing into the barbarism. The

in the country is a war between civility and barbarism. That basically is the action of the culture, not the action of armies. And the task of the culture is none other than the construction of consciousness. The violence gripping the country is focused on the problems of education and destruction of culture, which to us mired in nihilism, which is nothing else than the absence of values. If we are to turn our country into what the song says, life is worth nothing, because in effect, then, nothing. That's not worth anything, if not only money and greed against each other, where it has already brought us. It is essential that the campaign starts La Jornada, calling on citizens not only to think but to demonstrate.

Luis Mario Moncada, playwright and director de teatro:

La campaña ¡Basta de sangre! es una expresión de hartazgo de una sociedad que no ha sido consultada sobre situaciones muy complejas que parecen responder más a estrategias políticas que a una verdadera política de Estado en materia de seguridad. Los resultados que podemos verificar hasta el día de hoy, entre números de muertos, ciudades sitiadas, clima de inseguridad, en fin, es muestra de una estrategia que no ha funcionado y que tendría que replantearse. No puede ser que una cúpula política sea quien determine el rostro de nuestro país, sus fallas son evidentes, pusieron en práctica una estrategia que no fue suficientemente estudiada, went banging (the drug) without thinking about the next steps, generating a reaction to organized crime that was not prepared. Unfortunately, now more than planning, needs to be corrected, hence the importance of the expression of public weariness.

Epigmenio Ibarra, television producer (who joined via Twitter):

for a dignified peace, justice, impunity and corruption. And nobody talks to surrender or negotiate with organized crime but to fight it holistically and not only with force. His doctrine of contempt for life, their strategy based only on strength, his erratic driving do not work. We do not want to settle for short and irresponsible kill each other, because we will not get used to death. Alberto


researcher: Would

the campaign to promote citizen father a partner that can, in an organized, responding to the enhancement of state terrorism, in particular, and with organized crime. I do not believe it to have effect, at least once, because political parties have endeavored to settle any possibility of social organization from the base. So if anything helps the campaign to alert consciousness be good, but I will not organize anything because the electoral process try not to sponsor, but the opposite: to liquidate any organization of the social base.


visual artist:

No solution (against violence). We will continue to lose our heads. We like Alice in Wonderland : Off With Their Heads for everyone. (It would have to start) for a game of cricket as did the Queen to Alice. They used the necks of flamingos or something to push the hedgehogs or what were they?

This article was taken from the following website: section = policy & article = 002n1pol

No blood.

Julio Hernández López

will soon be the first month of implementation Marisela Escobedo, the mother of his cigar armed personal value investigated and pushed for it to be punished murderer of his daughter, and I met yesterday for another woman in fight against injustices that have been deprived of life, Susana Chavez, complainant active gender crimes committed in Ciudad Juárez and other abuses by various aspects of power governing the course of societies such as the Chihuahua.

Fall on 16 December from the state government palace in the capital city, Marisela not close with his own blood the cycle of misfortune decreed against them by criminals untouchable or unreachable unofficial-in appearance as all data collected so far, a member of a troop of cartels in conflict in that region, "for the rest of his family and emotional closeness hands have been attacked by suspected drug traffic not to let up any spirit of complaint or fighting crime on account of original, made against the young ruby, or the passivity and complicity of Chihuahua and federal officials to keep the case unpunished. National irritation caused by the murder of Casey, the immediate attack on a lumberyard owned by her boyfriend and the murder of a brother, as well as threats to their surviving children, who then would request asylum in the United States, lasted only a few 72 hours before to be moved by the spectacle of live broadcast Diego Fernandez de Cevallos starred in the title of his public reappearance.

Now, just when it is turning on (by a campaign by teachers Eduardo del Río, Rius and Julio Scherer García) a first form of mass public protest against the bloodshed that Calderon has subject to the nation, known for the murder of someone who had not opted for the complaint and the only public event in terms of direct grievances (the murder of children, for example) but in pursuance of a vision and commitment broader, related to the search for social justice (not just individual) and with full awareness that the country's problems have a structural reason to be tackled through political action. Susana Chavez defended women in general and complained and demanded justice in particular cases Juárez The Dead. She, Susan, whom some attribute the creation or release of the phrase Not one more death, is now a numeric added to the roster of institutional embarrassment, was tortured and killed, in gruesome detail the removal of your hand left.

cases and Susana Marisela have complementary contexts: in the mother of the murdered Ruby overlook traits clearly challenging the impunity of drug trafficking and the handling and purchasing of corporate systems administration and enforcement of justice, to such an extent that today the government apparatus to be sentenced to judges, prosecutors and police sets and temporary purposes, designed to silence criticism and head to the cemetery after the record of oblivion. Susana's alleged murderers, however, are three children, adolescent murderers who are a terrible example of the balance left by decades of social injustice that is now exploding in the ways of the crimes seemingly incomprehensible, monstrous consequences of a political and economic system that has pushed part of the population to commit crimes as revenge, business, or incidental occurrence.

Basically, it is against the great expressions of national decomposition but, particularly, the process of social control through fear. Armine Arjona, Susan's friend said, as reported in El Diario de Ciudad Juárez : has been a kind of persecution against those who raise your voice, so in the recent marches have women had their faces covered, because there is a real fear, persecution is a subtly disguised best, but is having a persecution of social activism and a test is so recent Marisela crime and the murder of Susan .

At the other end of the country, Alejandro Solalinde Catholic priest, who has spoken out and acted on behalf of Central American migrants headed north, and thus is a target of criminals who move according to regional officials, has claimed that Genaro Garcia Luna, the federal Secretary of Public Security, which side is defined, whether with Los Zetas or migrants, as according to the national religious body that has done nothing as they multiply the kidnapping of those travelers without legal documentation.

No risk, however, has been Enrique Peña Nieto, after representatives of states under the PRI government, plus those of Guerrero and Michoacan (according to information from Notimex) prevented yesterday that the National System for Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women formed an investigative committee about the assault and murder of women in the state of Mexico, estimated to have reached 900 in the past five years.

But today, protest and dissent and is also a cause of violent death which the authors are confused in the miasma cauldron where offenders live and formally identified, members of cartels , the assassins and armed government agents act without legal justification and calls from anonymous , alleged or real, plus the decaying social segments against which there is no salvation rehabilitation project possible under the current guidelines for the exercise of public power. And while 11 people die in prison Balazos Gomez, Durango, until tomorrow, insisting that no more blood, blood Enough!

This view was taken from the following website: php? section = policy & article = 002n1pol

Fernando del Paso, Raquel Tibol, Lourdes Arizpe, Elmer Mendoza, Eduardo del Rio, Victor Flores Olea, Elena Poniatowska, and Luis de Tavira had enlightening views on the campaign Enough blood!


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