Saturday, January 8, 2011

Handmade Retirement Card

revolutionary popular movements Liftoff of Lula Brazilian social growth to continue in 2011 with Dilma

Brazilians opened in 1964 military coups in the country with a democratic parliamentary system with two parties fiction created by decree, the PMDB and PSDB which allowed the political opening since the presidency of the system harder to de Figueiredo Garrastazu Medici who in 1979 signed into law reahabilitation aim Admistía the clandestine groups in 1970 where he was Dilma that integrated political group the Revolutionary Armed Vanguard Palmares supporting Leonel Brizola, a leader "Trabalhadores" coming from exile have participated in the armed struggle who resisted the dictatorship, and paid with prison Dilma until 1972, later returned them to the three thousand exiles to return as heroes as well as amnesty for torturers.
In the 80 Argentines had discovered the "gimme two" massive advantage and beaches of Brazil with the cambial difference in their favor, in a society where horrified by poverty, social gap that would leave the economic miracle of the automobile to that militarism could develop an effective advertising, "Brasil vai pra front" which meant an alliance with tourism in Argentina and Mercosur but who lived with suspicion.
Until then knew little of Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, a thick beard metal lathe that was leading strikes in the large ABC of San Pablo for better wages, and force open motivating policy workers to create the PT political party as a social movement fighting in a country surrounded by the unbearable inflation and quality of education that matches their level of illiteracy in Nigeria.
So Brazil moved from dictatorship to democracy in a slow and gradual transition to the military, which did not alter the civility to require the "Diretas and" the President, that 15 years after it was Fernando Henrique Cardoso the first exile in becoming president to allow the opening.
Lula as a candidate was defeated after several times from his candidacy with Collor de Mello and had to wait just over 20 years to stop being the dreaded social agitator proletarian ideas, on getting to the rich to distribute money the poor, as opposed to the military economy with Delfin Neto leading liberal economist, to get Lula then consolidate capitalism with his charisma and popularity to continue Cardoso's social policies, and especially its poor operator moving target.
Brazil created their own economic myth gradual and continuous development regardless of their Presidents, who managed to reach out to opponents with institutional equality without favoritism and finally with a double period, Lula managed to leave the presidency to be revered by the powerful in the world with 81% popularity.
is possible that the reason is that allowed triumphalism but there were no consistency, and Dilma now 64 years old will face challenges in enumerating in his initial speech problems will be addressed: the poverty, organized drug crime, social inequality, the priority education and environmental preservation.
Innovations Dilma will touch you in your leadership on arrival at Planalto are more difficult to predict that specify when the FDI coming to Brazil is 40% and goes a 17% of exports which are sold U $ S 30,000 million per year.
Dilma Rousseff is the first official training lyricism economist known for being a workaholic and has a spreadsheet in your head, is fierce in dealing with his colleagues at which will not victimize as modern leader for his strong character, has no regrets about his past and has no hard feelings in a giant country, as it was for five previous administrations since the Real Plan in 1994 with Cardoso and his finance minister Itamar Franco, where gained enough experience and strength as the country itself, unlike of men who managed previously associated with its history and its continuity now remains to be seen with his team having to Luciano Coutinho as intellectual guide in front of BNDES, Guido Antonio Palocci Manteiga and former finance minister and Lula now head of the Civil and Foreign Minister Antonio de Aguiar Patriota of Foreign Affairs to come to Buenos Aires to meet with Timerman to develop his next visit to the country for a meeting with Cristina.
TELAM-3-1-11. The two governments of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will as the main legacy transformation Social reflected in the emergence of a new middle class which in eight years totaled 30 million Brazilians, and for the first time in the composition of classes 28 million left out of poverty in the country.


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