Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Milena Velba Singleparty Galleries

The double standard on Haiti

Posted by: GUERRERO JOSE BAEZ ( josebaezguerrero@gmail.com )

United States has with respect to the two states that share the island of Santo Domingo ambivalent policy that very helpful to any of the three parties. As Dominicans we have built a country where democratic traditions of nearly half a century, sustained economic growth under governments of three different parties, with a thriving private sector, a growing middle class and institutions that could be better but there howsoever, Haiti dissolves itself eroded by inefficiency of the Haitians.
All sambenitos Washington passing on to the Dominicans, from our notorious corruption, including bribery and embezzlement to illegal human trafficking, through the rise of drug trafficking and the incompetence of most politicians, are reduced to minutiae when compares them with what is happening in Haiti. There is precluded
pay philanthropic aid nations or institutions because there are not enough bodies to administer, and there-governmental or private-are not entirely reliable. If here is human trafficking, there undoubtedly originates in the case of illegal immigration. If here is drugs, much is bound to lose control of Haiti, where entire regions without authority of any kind. If here we complain about how bad are our politicians and parties, you just have to compare it with the Haitians to feel less bad. Nothing wrong
we have is better there. However there is a humiliating condescension from Washington to Haiti. Congratulating the Haitian people for their independence day, the anniversary of which 207 met the first of January, Hillary Clinton invoked the strong leadership of Toussaint L'Ouverture and Dessalines, most recently as there were no other memorable heroism that not how they survived the earthquake and cholera. Toussaint and Dessalines, had had to deal with Hillary, surely would have done the same thing they did with all the whites in Haiti, pass by the machete. To save Haiti the international community should cease its efforts to deal with that territory as if it were a state. Especially the United States and France, Canada and other countries need to recognize that collapsed. Sera put him to revive the corpse. Haiti needs to be reinvented to save him from himself.


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