buying weapons at the border ... (Feature)
Taken By Internet / Process
Publication Date: 03/07/2011
The corridor that runs from Phoenix to Tucson and there to Nogales and Douglas, Arizona, is one of the largest markets arms to Mexican drug cartels. That the laws and drug violence are not interested owners of armories, who are lining their pockets.
"not our fault that sell weapons that end up in Mexico, I meet federal (U.S.) and Arizona. If I sell it crosses the boundary line is not my fault, is of Mexican authorities who can not take care of their borders, "says Joe, Tucson dealer in this weekly.
Establishing Joe-who declined to give his last name is next to a nursery and within 100 meters of a school. "In Arizona is more difficult to get credit for a car to buy 10 rifles. My business is the sale of arms and while the band under the law, honestly I do not care where they go to stop, "he added.
As Joe, most owners of armories in this corridor of Arizona have no qualms about offering arsenals who is eligible to purchase. Process
ran 36 armories in Tucson, Nogales and Douglas, Arizona. Vendors repeated memory requirements to acquire any weapon, from pistols to assault rifles: proof of state residency (driver's license or identification issued by the police), a copy of your green card (if not a U.S. citizen ) and undergo criminal background checks, which takes about 15 minutes.
"If you meet the requirements and bring the money will now sell ten AK-47," says Joe correspondent, pointing to the hundreds of rifles hanging on the walls of the armory (whose name also reserves, at the request of the owner).
Arizona-Tucson and Phoenix in particular, is a favorite spot for gun buyers who work for the cartels in Mexico. The Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff, Firearms and Explosives (ATF for short) considers that Mexican drug traffickers acquire more than 60% of their stocks in these two cities.
"People who buy guns for the Mexican cartels tell ants," explained Process ATF agent assigned to Tucson who requested anonymity. He adds: "Most are citizens or legal U.S. residents who by law are entitled to buy the weapons they want if they say they are for personal use.
Barack Obama on Thursday, 3 Felipe Calderon assured that his government would review everything that crosses the his country's southern border to stem the illegal flow of arms and money. The same day process implicates the ATF agent about what the president said the United States. "The border with Mexico is very large and until we have more personal is very difficult to stop arms trafficking and money, "he says.
Obama's statement seems ironic to the reality of the border. Arizona, according to Joe, sold 100 to 120 weapons each week. "It's a very good business. You should also put a gun store," says Joe the reporter and laughed.
Selling arms in Tucson is a profitable business. Right in front of Joe's business is your competition: Tucson Guns and Western Artifacts. Less than 50 meters there is another armory, the Second Amendment Sports. Three gun shops in the same block, next to a kindergarten and a school in an exclusive neighborhood of this city.
American society in the culture of guns is a constitutional right and a way of life. Two miles west of the three armories is the Monkey Burger Burgers with a sign next to the menu: "You give away the drink to the person who teaches his gun placed in his case."
In Arizona and Texas-to name only two states that border Mexico, allowed the carrying of weapons in their holsters. It is part of personal protection rights established in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
the ATF agent in Tucson says that the recent cases of arrests of persons involved in trafficking arms to Mexico demonstrates the ease with which cartels can buy hundreds of guns by a single ant. Uriel Patiño, Mexican-born legal resident arrested in November 2009 in Phoenix, bought less than a month in the same armory, 190 semi-automatic rifles (mainly AK-47) and 42 pistols. Process
could review the records of the investigation of the case Patiño, which holds that man said the rifles and pistols were for his personal use, despite which he was accused of arms trafficking, a crime for which he could spending 30 years in prison. The gun shop owners were not charged because they acted according to law.
In California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas-states bordering Mexico and federal laws require gun shops to report to ATF if someone buys more two guns in less than five days. But if you buy just two and wait more than five days to buy back, you can do indefinitely within the law.
But those same laws in states bordering Mexico is not obliged to report multiple purchases of guns.
armories in such cases only have to fill out a form, which should not even be delivered to the ATF, in scoring the buyer's name and signature who says he wants the weapons for personal use. After 20 years, the document with the buyer's name destroyed.
ATF agent ensures that you have found records of purchases of more than 500 weapons made by one person in less than a year.
The ATF estimated that along the border with Mexico there are 8 000 600 armories. To monitor law-abiding, the ATF only has 220 agents and 165 inspectors. In the last 10 years only two outlets weapons have lost their licenses for violating regulations.
Unable to control the thousands of gun shops in the border, on 17 December, the ATF sent to the White House an "emergency rule" Obama demanding that "executive order" order to the stores of arms border states to report multiple sales to one person.
ATF argues that so far six years of Calderon, Mexico's drug violence has killed more than 34 000 murders and in the same period, have seized more than 65 000 weapons purchased by Mexican cartels in the United States.
Calderón Before meeting with Obama on Thursday 3 in Washington, U.S. government officials from the media spread rumors that Obama announced the same day he accepted the request of the ATF.
But within 24 hours of the presidential meeting, a White House official gave a press conference and said the definitive answer to the request of the ATF will not be announced during the visit of Calderon.
On February 18 the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress passed, by 277 votes to 149, an appeal to Obama to reject the request of the ATF.
The White House has until March 28 to give a definitive answer. Analysts said Obama, who believes in re-election, will not dare to go against the laws in border states for fear of losing the votes of those who defend the right to buy and carry weapons.
The ease with which weapons are sold in Arizona and Texas is not seen by Americans as a problem of insecurity and violence in Mexico. If Mexican traffickers take advantage of it, as Joe sees it, has nothing to do with the dictates of the Second Amendment.
WEAPONS EVERYWHERE not just sell weapons armories. In Arizona pawn shops also offer them to those who qualify. Prices depend on the make and year they were manufactured.
Process correspondent visited 36 gun shops in Arizona and 7 in El Paso, Texas, and found that the price of an AK-47 ranges between 499 and 650 dollars. A gun can cost between 250 and $ 300 billion.
In El Paso the rules for arms sales are similar to those in Arizona are not required proof of residence in the state, only the copy of your green card for non-citizens United States.
Among the seven armories that visited Process in El Paso, one is three miles from the bridges that connect with Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, the other six are less than two kilometers.
the ATF office in El Paso rejected the request for an interview he did this weekly, but a federal agent assigned to this region, who requested anonymity, revealed that every month here are sold at least 850 weapons. "But no one has exact figures," he says. However
calculations are made on the amount of weapons sold in places such as El Paso, official figures on the confiscation of weapons side U.S. casts doubt on the effectiveness of the cooperation offered by Obama to Calderon.
According to official documents, copies of which won the Process-Customs and Border Protection (CBP, for its acronym in English) delivered to the government of Mexico in fiscal 2010 were only 19 firearms seized.
CBP The document adds that so far this fiscal year 2011 (which began on October 1, 2010) at the border crossing El Paso-Ciudad Juárez have confiscated only four weapons along the U.S. side. ALL WEAPONS
The Feb. 27 Joe Muench, a columnist for El Paso Times, wrote that the solution to the problem of insecurity in Mexico is to allow Mexicans to buy and carry weapons of all kinds for self-defense, and the United States.
"Why Mexico does not fight the drug cartels, the extortionists, kidnappers? How do good people allow criminals to take over their country in virtually every facet of daily life?
" It's because no weapon to defend themselves, "says Muench in his column. And to support his thesis describes two scenarios:" First act: three-wheel van was located on a street, two close the flow of traffic and the third is to address the door of a house. Men come out of the truck and shoot everyone in the house. Then run away. The police arrive and is dead to all the inhabitants of the house. Not made or an arrest. "Second act: three-wheel van are located on a street, two close the flow of traffic and the third to the front door of a house. Salen men in the truck and kicked the front door are greeted with shooting rifles and shotguns. score, the family living in the house is not dead. "
This notice was taken from the following website: =
The U.S. government allows arms trafficking in Mexico 1 / 3
The U.S. government allows arms trafficking Mexico 2 / 3
The U.S. government allows arms trafficking in Mexico 3 / 3
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