Thursday, March 31, 2011

12/24 Volt Battery Charger Circuit Diagram

shot against no reason to flee to Japan

This letter was sent by my friend Penelope the love of his life living in Spain. He blocked the FB, do not answer your call and you suspect the delete MSN. He has asked me to post with the goal that he would get the message. In solidarity with his wounded heart, I would ask to be respectful with your comments. It reads:

I direct this letter to someone important to me. I do because I have no other way to send this message. Hello Galician, has been a real surprise FB not see you today, these are things that sometimes I try to interpret. Still do not get out of surprise, I'm shocked.

Still, I am in the same place, with the same attitude to articulate what I feel, I think, whether negative or positive. Not in that situation but I am expressing yourself are my idea that we need to define.

Apparently I can not say: your circumstances have changed, you might be embarrassed and therefore does not clearly express your decisions, or do not know to decide. I do not know.

I am in the same place, because I am a woman who can take decisions and execute them. I always face in any event, after all, is the opportunity to gain experience.

What upset me? yours a peaceful hidden away in a fervent "I love you" that are specific to your feelings but not actions. A woman can not say "I love you" if not accompanied by action. That is, "actions". Are the girls who yearn to "I love you," sighed a woman while waiting for a stock.

Then, the question that "action" will you come or not come?, I notice your evasions. I communicate what I feel, and can not find answers, then I say: I will not be the next Penelope, has been five years, this reunion was beautiful but not enough for me. The reason is simple: I will not be the next Penelope.

hoped that I expressed for yourself your new circumstances by which to postpone the trip. I'm talking about the real causes, which have justified. In conclusion, I noticed that these Leonel Fernandez as saying that if you finish or not to seek reelection. Whenever you just say that coming but when? That is my question to which we never hear an answer.

Suppose this is not importate, a date I mean. But can a woman in these times to be a new Penelope? I think not. Taking into account that is not the first time you make plans that never happened. I can think of? Many things, right?

I want you to be clear that I never had more desire to love you, I am a woman who has her own merits and their own economic freedom. I make the clarification, that myth prevailing in your country, that because America is seeking ways to travel to Europe.

I've always said I have no desire to live in another country other than RD, it is here I have a career and am forming a name, therefore, my intentions were true love.

I am a strong woman in my position and I demand the same of whom I love. That duality, that in order not to hide his face. Those elusive, it scares me. I want to assure you of me, I receive more complaints, because that I can reclaim? You make decisions based on emotions not facts? To be happy are lying to others, without realizing that in the end are lies? What excites me again and then fade the plans?

My gallego, my love: I will overcome this pain. I experienced great moments of disappointment, deep pain, malice en mi vida y a todas he sobrevivido. Por cada una de ellas he dado gracias a Dios, he acumulado experiencias que me han mostrado el camino y me han hecho descubrir lo que me gusta y lo que no me gusta. Es por ello que no temo de expresarlas.

Te imploro que no tengas miedo de mí, yo te amo y eso no puedo ocultarlo. No voy a reclamarte ni ha herirte, no tienes que huir. No tienes que borrarme de FB, ni de tu móvil. No soy de esas chicas que hacen crisis de atropellos a quien amo. Sencillamente porque te ame sabiendo que eras así. Ahora no tengas miedo.

Este es el momento para reflexionar y prometerte no volver a cometer este error con ninguna mujer. Nunca digas te want if you're not. I'll never tell you if you're not going to do. Never evade issues important to your partner. And most importantly, mature. The best gift of love you can give me is to keep your friendship with me by e-FB on the phone, everywhere.

I apologize if I hurt and I promise to forgive. But please do not run. Remember that you have made me happy on many occasions and I do not have any unpleasant memories of you.

Hugs, Penelope


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