Sunday, May 15, 2011

Workout If You Have Herpes

Security Act: The blackmail of the international criminal trial

Security Act: The blackmail of whales.

Sunday April 24, 2011

Jesusa Cervantes Process.

PRI The council is preparing to pass this week amendments to the National Security Act, proposed by the Department of Defense, were considered to have violated individual rights. Military sources, the PRI and the Senate, whose minutes are changing Members-released the cause of the turn: The Executive Branch has integrated "black record" of PRI governors linked to "criminal activities", and several generals warned the new leader of the PRI, Humberto Moreira, who if they were not adopted changes proposed by the Army, those records would be published ...

PRI federal MPs seek to adopt a new National Security Act that gives legal support to the intervention of the armed forces in combating organized crime, which gives autonomy al Ejecutivo federal para autorizar la presencia de militares y que, “de manera encubierta”, permite declarar estados de sitio o de excepción que suspenden temporalmente las garantías individuales.

Luego de que el PRI –partido que con sus 237 votos puede dictar agenda y condicionar aprobación de leyes en la Cámara de Diputados– se mostró renuente a respaldar propuestas de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), terminó aceptando todos los cambios que demandaba la Sedena, a pesar de que algunos los había considerado “inaceptables” o generadores de una “alta politización” que haría difícil the passage of the new law in full.

The turning of the PRI, according to three sources who process would have been caused by the threat of the executive branch to disclose so-called "black records" that is working against its current PRI governors alleged involvement in illegal activities. This release process found three different information sources involved in the negotiations: the military sector, PRI and Senate.

The bill to amend the National Security Act came April 28, 2010, spent eight months in "the freezer" and December 2010, the president of the National Defense Commission, Ardelio Vargas concluded, together with the Department of Defense, a new document that the PRI did not decide to support.

Humberto Moreira On arrival of the national leadership of the PRI, on 4 March, the PRI revived negotiations and came into contact with senior military commanders, including Maj. Gen. Carlos Gaytan Demetrio Ochoa, deputy of the Department of Defense.

But it was not until April 6, according to military sources, when Moreira was a meal with some veiled general warned the consequences of not approving the National Security Act: the publication of the records.

Less than a week later, on April 11, in charge of bringing the negotiations from the outset by the PRI, the deputy of the State of Mexico, Alfonso Navarrete Prida, came to the Interior Ministry with the new document of 81 pages, according to which the PRI without bracket supports one each of the proposals of the Federal Executive and the military.

However, among the negotiators warned that despite the PRI endorsed all claims, there is no guarantee that " threat of records "has been withdrawn.


The December 6, 2006, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa declared "war" on drugs and sent on 7 the Army to fight in Michoacan, from which the presence of the military sector has been spreading throughout the country.

The May 8, 2007, the Supreme Court's Office issued a law which authorizes the Army and Navy to "assistant" in the fight against organized crime.

Then, on March l9, 2008, the general secretary of Defense, Guillermo Galván Galván, demanded a national security law and legislation not only grant the military the role of police.

The following year, on April 23, 2009, Felipe Calderon sent a proposal to reform the Senate, where it was frozen for a year to be approved in April 2010 and reach the House of Deputies later that month.


that the licensed member Ardelio Vargas "remade" with military forces the minutes of the Senate, the PRI stopped any negotiations. Process announced in several numbers that the Army demanded (editions 1747, 1748, 1771 and 1795).

Shortly before completing his term at the head of the PRI, Beatriz Paredes Rangel revived talks with the military. On February 21, 2011, Navarrete Prida met with Undersecretary of the Department of Defense, Major General Carlos Gaytan Demetrio, some elements of the Navy and the Legislative Liaison Secretary of the Interior Ministry, Julián Hernández. For the PRI took Claudia Ruiz Massieu.

intervention of Government officials was required after Navarrete seriousness in the issue and go "someone with decision-making," according to sources said the Chamber of Deputies.

The next day, February 22, Navarrete Prida and deputy coordinator of the PAN, Carlos Alberto Pérez Cuevas, a document agreed to push for the bill was "dictated" by a single committee and not by the five found (Defense, Interior, Justice, Public Safety and Rights Human) in order to expedite its discussion in plenary.

In parallel, the Department of Defense reports that became the PRI, "upset that the military forces supporting the government of Felipe Calderón's war on drugs has been translated into electoral support from the citizenry to PAN "according to military sources said, would have produced a document in which we would seek the prosecution of the Armed Forces and President of the Republic for having committed any human rights violations.

Angry, the main controls of the Department of Defense requested a meeting with the chairman of the board of the Chamber of Deputies, Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín, Beatriz Paredes, close to the March 1, 2011, requesting a definition of the Legislature about the law. (Process gave details of the meeting in number 1795.)

There, the president of the Board considered difficult to adopt the reform in the current regular period, which ends April 30. However, that first week of March, the position of the PRI began to turn.

The threat

One of the strongest political groups within the PRI was the version that the Attorney General's Office preparing cases against politicians governing PRI, the party sources said.

After the March 4, Humberto Moreira became the national president of PRI, the first decision was to intensify negotiations with the military sector, but the talks, which were held in the Ministry of Interior and not in the House of Representatives, stopped attending Navarrete Prida both the PRI and the Department of Defense due to Government dismissed his deputy liaison. Only the advisors for each of the parties read and reread the document to the Department of Defense and the comments of the PRI, without getting anywhere.

March 14, the day he was appointed the new Secretary of Link, Rubén Fernández Aceves, who was head of the National Information Center of the Executive Secretariat of the National System of Public Security, the leading representatives of PRI , Alfonso Navarrete Prida, Claudia Ruiz and a pair of intensified the military's overall presence in the negotiations.

Alberto Pérez Cuevas, Deputy PAN, said in an interview that from that day the road was provided and even Francisco Blake Mora participated in several meetings.

Already on 17 March, the federal government's strategy to gain approval of the new law had been changed, according to military sources and the own PRI. A hearing of the negotiating group of PRI came back version of incriminating records, only this time the threat was more blunt:

"We were told that these records of several governors would be released once you know the name of the winner Mexico state government. This would have two effects: one, beating the PRI in general, and the other still hit the Mexico state governor, Enrique Peña Nieto, as the pointer in the presidential race, "revealed an official of the PRI.

However, the group of technicians from the Department of Defense and the PRI was reconvened in the Interior. Interestingly, on March 23, close to the negotiations said they "already unlocked and we are only a few definitions." And there was nothing more than to see how to reconcile the observations that the PRI had a number of proposals for the Department of Defense, in the sense accept that generate large "political debates".

On Wednesday April 6, a process generally told that the new law "would" only if something extraordinary happened. Like what would it be?, Asked, to which he replied with a slight smile: "The elections of the State of Mexico, right?", Without adding anything else.

That same April 6, the national president of the PRI, Humberto Moreira, participated in a meal with some "high command" of the Department of Defense to discuss the reform. After the meeting, one of the generals were asked not to disclose his name, dropped a sheet on the letterhead of the Department of Defense where he was an analysis of the presence of drug trafficking in some states under the PRI government complacency. In addition, hinted that it had all the information.

sources consulted by the Department of Defense revealed that the preparation process of the "black records" itself is in progress, commented that the Department of Defense offers evidence that it has on the subject, the PGR prepares documents and some Judiciary officials' help to sustain them. "

Coincidentally, the day after lunch from Moreira and generals of the military's, Enrique Peña Nieto met with Felipe Calderon, and one day after the governor of the State of Mexico had breakfast with the secretary to the President Roberto Gil Zuarth.

Previously, on 31 March, UN representatives advised the Mexican government that the army withdraw from the streets in their fight against drug trafficking, due to allegations of human rights violations have increased . In 2006 accounted for 182 and 2008 and amounted to 230 thousand.

In response, the federal government, through Fernando Zamora Castro, Undersecretary for Legal Affairs and Human Rights at the Interior Ministry said April 2 that the Army will remain in the streets, then himself warned Calderón April 8 that it will "support alternative temporary."

So confusing and contrary to his belligerent speech against PAN-government, national president of the PRI, Humberto Moreira, supported Calderon April 11 stating: "It would be a mistake to return to army barracks at this time. However, I think that it is necessary to review the strategy of some points that are failing. "

In line with the expressions of Moreira, charged with conducting the negotiations by the PRI, Rep. Alfonso Navarrete Prida, arrived at the offices of the Interior Ministry the same day, met with Deputy Secretary of Affairs Legal and Human Rights, Fernando Zamora Castro, and a couple of the military's general not only to announce that there would be no obstacles in his party to requests from the military sector, but also gave them "the predictamen" of 81 pages on amendment to the Homeland Security Act.

This meant that the document included not only refurbished items, but in 45 pages it was the entire rationale for the changes and rested the budgetary impact.

PRI bends

After Ardelio licensed deputy Vargas developed together with industry military changes to the minutes of the Senate, the PRI was given the task of promoting, in February 2011, a new reform proposal where "bracketed number of the changes" proposed and even pointed out what would be "impassable."

In developing the proposal included, in addition to Alfonso Navarrete Prida, Rep. Claudia Ruiz Massieu, and earlier in a first stage, the senators Jesus Murillo Karam and Pedro Joaquin Coldwell.

The Senate bill passed on April 23, 2010 containing things like the military were tried by civil courts when they violated human rights or engaged in abuses, that concentrations of such work, social or political were not considered threats to national security that the declaration of involvement (time accepting the participation of the military sector) was issued by the Federal Executive and Congress, but also did not define the "obstacles" as those that threaten national security, precluded seals nor make declarations of a state of emergency, among other things.

Before this bill was passed in the Senate, General Secretary Guillermo Galvan Galvan convened on April 7 in the Multipurpose Room in the Department of Defense to members of the Commission National Defense of the House of Representatives. There were asked:

"Power to conduct searches of persecution in the act, power to detain for 24 hours at the alleged perpetrators and bring them to interrogation, the power to take fingerprints of people apprehended; intervene communications, track or hack internet pages, to dissolve concentrations of vehicles (such as occurred in April 2010 in Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon), which can declare areas of emergency and hold the military responsible for their actions, unless they are demonstrating behaviors intentional, "revealed to attendees Process to this meeting.

None of this is included in the initiative that the Executive had sent to the Senate, but when the bill reached the House of Representatives, the Army continued its lobbying work.

In October 2010, the Department of Defense invited the legislators themselves to a demonstration of the power of arms of organized crime and told them again of what the military wanted to include in the Senate bill was in the hands for Members.


reported what bothered the Army of the Senate bill on the grounds that certain aspects unconstitutional and because the military leaders would not be subject to the orders of the police in combating drug trafficking. Also released the 10 points they intended to include.

precisely on these points, the PRI made remarks. For example, the most important aspect was that the Department of Defense argued that the involvement once declared, "the opinion of the Federal Executive" establishing "extraordinary measures." Here the PRI warned that basically was talking about, "surreptitiously" of a "state of emergency," noting that include that point would generate a "highly politicized."

Another observation made was referring to the PRI's claim that the government requested the intervention of the military and use "all resources" available where considered necessary and therefore made the declaration of involvement . Though here the PRI considered "correct" the award, said that for this to happen should be established urgently the causes and circumstances that warranted the intervention, because "otherwise it can become very dangerous action." Therefore asked a framework that would "control" for such action.

The PRI was clear when considering that since "the political standpoint, is of extreme sensitivity and fear the approving an article like this."

On the powers of interception of private communications that asked the Department of Defense, the PRI held that is "out of order as it stands, it has no constitutional powers only if it is designated as the responsible authority." In any case, such a measure should be given temporary, with the reasons that justify it.

As for the "sting operations" that can make the military commands, the PRI can be argued that a "danger" as they may occur unilaterally, without authorization of the Department of Defense. Besides that it is not clear what "covert operations", he said, this involves a "highly politicized."

Finally, "the predictamen" PRI gave the Government on 11 April, and not distributed to all political parties until day 22, does not include the changes and comments were aportado el PRI. Sólo presenta todo lo que la Sedena propuso y que fue registrado en un documento dado a conocer a los diputados federales en octubre de 2010, así como a Humberto Moreira, en abril de este año, cuando visitó las instalaciones de la Sedena.

El vicecoordinador legislativo del PAN, Alberto Pérez Cuevas, comenta que la Cámara de Diputados espera aprobar el documento el martes 26 de abril para que así lo puedan procesar hasta el día 30, fecha en que concluye el presente periodo de sesiones.

En entrevista telefónica, el senador del PRI Jesús Murillo Karam manifestó que la premisa de los cambios they adopted was that serves "to ensure the public respect for their human rights and guarantees," and said they "took care that the actions of the Armed Forces outside the knowledge of Congress and what it says the Constitution. "

"We want the prestige of the army is maintained and that his speech is regulated," he said.

- voted for the amendment of the House of Representatives to the proposed reform?

-Si is similar, it is possible. But if you changed However, we must analyze the change.


The deputy, Paul Escudero, argued that the changes are unacceptable, but if the PRI and the PAN's majoritarian "I think the Senate will not see with good eyes."

Finally, the PRD, Rep. Teresa Incháustegui said the reform proposal is unacceptable and that included everything that the generals had asked the deputies. "Far from civil-military relations walk in favor of the democratic transition, this is in contradiction," he said.

This notice

was taken from the following website:

How To Know When A Scorpio Has Lost Interest

Calderon against Felipe Calderón

international trial Calderón

Netzaí Sandoval Ballesteros.

More than 40 thousand human beings who have died in the last four years we put in front of a crisis Humanitarian without Paragon. Neither the U.S. war against Afghanistan, or undertaken against Pakistan have generated so many dead (Conflict Barometer, University of Heidelberg, Germany). The violence in Mexico has also made more displaced than any other recent armed conflict, about 120 000 people according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center. The vulnerability of young people is particularly acute: 226 thousand of the deaths between 2006 and 2010 were children and adolescents (Network for the Rights of Children in Mexico). In strict legal terms and in accordance with international criteria in this area, this situation is classified as an armed conflict not of an international nature.

directly responsible for this grave situation is Felipe Calderón. It was he who declared a war in the country and decided to use the Army and Navy to attack selectively drug cartels. He was the executive who so stubbornly continued with the war strategy despite various UN agencies have asked to suspend the use of military force in law enforcement, recently the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances of the UN, March 2011.

As has been documented various human rights reports prepared by organizations such as Amnesty International, the Mexican Army has reached the point of murdering and torturing civilians completely unrelated to the conflict, military checkpoints and during its operational . has also attempted to conceal these facts to ensure the impunity of those responsible. We remember the case of the students killed in Tec de Monterrey on 19 March 2010, the NHRC said in its recommendation 45/2010.

armed forces have also made away with the rape of indigenous women committed by soldiers during their operational with what has encouraged the use of such a despicable practice (case Fernández Ortega and other vs. Mexico and Rosendo Cantu case and another vs . Mexico-American Court of Human Rights).

For their part, drug cartels also perform heinous crimes against civilians. Recruit children under 15 years of age to become killers. It is estimated that between 30 and 43 thousand minors have been recruited by criminal groups. Moreover, attacks on patients rehabilitation centers and drug addicts are widespread. The crafty attacks June 26 in Durango, December 5 and June 10 in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua-all in 2010 - are just three examples.

courts of our country are practically prevented from judging the Federal Executive (Article 108 onstitucional). This is compounded by the lack of autonomy of the PGR, which leads to impunity for military and civilian officials responsible for this crisis.

Nor is viable national prosecute the soldiers responsible for rape, torture, disappearances and murders due to the endless scope of military jurisdiction, which allows that these cases are tried by military courts (Article 57 Code of Military Justice). American Court of Human Rights has stated bluntly that the military criminal jurisdiction is competent to investigate, prosecute and punish perpetrators of human rights violations (case vs Radilla Pacheco. Mexico), but Calderon has opposed meet ordering the sentences to modify the legal framework to adapt to international standards.

Unable to prosecute violators of human rights in our own country is urgent that today, under the principle of complementarity, we turn to International Criminal Court (ICC). This seems difficult because the Constitution states that the Executive (with Senate approval) who recognizes the jurisdiction of the ICC. But no rule of law can be invoked to violate obligations under the international (Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Article 27) so when Calderon and his military commanders invoke them, their arguments will be rejected by the ICC .

To strengthen this claim is needed involving people and human rights defenders in the country. For example, should be included in the complaint record statements of relatives of those killed in military operating . In addition, as many Mexican citizens must sign the petition calling before the ICC, to stop the bloodshed. We already have thousands of signatures collected in the march of May 8 but is still time for new firms support the complaint.

Calderon ordered the use of strategies unconstitutional and in violation of international law to combat drug trafficking and this has led to the systematic violation of human rights in our country. Under Article 8, paragraph 2, paragraph c, sections I and IV such subsection and, paragraphs I, IV and VII of the Rome Statute, should be tried for war crimes at the ICC.

This view was taken from the following website: / index.php? section = opinion & article = l

international criminal trial against Felipe Calderón

international criminal trial against Felipe Calderon, Joaquin Guzman Loera, Genaro Garcia Luna, Guillermo Galván Galván, Francisco Saynez Mendoza and other officials, military and drug traffickers responsible for war crimes in Mexico.

the undersigned call on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to exercise its jurisdiction over crimes that are narrated below.

Felipe Calderón declared the start of a "war" against drug trafficking, December 11, 2006, which resulted in the deaths of more than 40,000 human beings in the last four years. For this purpose, has used the police force, the Army and Navy Mexican. The use of the army in operations against drug trafficking began several years ago but intensified in this period. Calderon has ordered that war continue despite international agencies have asked to stop using the Army in roles that police forces should develop (Working Group of UN Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, preliminary report, March 2011). Only in 2010, this armed conflict has caused more deaths than the war waged by the United States in Afghanistan and Pakistan (Conflict Barometer, University of Heidelberg Germany) and has also made more displaced, that is, about 120,000 people due to the widespread violence (Internal Displacement Monitoring Center 2010). The situation of young children is particularly vulnerable: 226 thousand dead who died in crossfire or direct attacks from December 2006 to December 2010 are children and adolescents (Network for the Rights of Children in Mexico .)

have systematically repeated human rights violations because of the context of armed conflict in which we live. Mexico, Afghanistan and Somalia are the nations with the largest number of reporters kidnapped and our country is the continent's most dangerous media (Reporters without Borders).

We live in a protracted armed conflict faced by government authorities and organized armed groups and these groups together, fighting for territorial control drug trafficking. However, even in war there are limits and it has exceeded a catastrophic:

The Mexican army has killed civilians including children and completely unrelated to the conflict, military checkpoints and during operations. They have tortured and killed civilians knowing that are unrelated to the conflict and has also attempted to conceal these facts for not punishing those responsible and in the case of students killed at TEC de Monterrey on March 19, 2010 (Recommendation No. 45 / 2010 National Commission on Human Rights). Such crimes are the responsibility of the ICC under Article 8 2) e) i) of the Rome Statute.

The army also has covered and left unpunished rape of women perpetrated by soldiers during cordon and search of criminals, which has promoted the use of this practice in its war on drugs (Case Fernández Ortega et al. V. Mexico and Rosendo Cantú Case v. Mexico and other American Court of Human Rights). These crimes are also the ICC's jurisdiction under Article 8.2 e) vii) of the Rome Statute. Is conducting daily practice of extrajudicial executions, which respond to the idea that Mexican judges release the drug at the military prefer to kill them. The Navy even broadcast pictures of the body of Arturo Beltran Leyva, who had been manipulated and maimed with obvious purpose of intimidating (El País and El Universal 12/19/2009 12/18/2009). This crime is the responsibility of the ICC under Article 8 2) c) iv) of the Rome Statute.

Calderón also has commanded systematically assaulting Central American migrants traveling to the United States. It is so obvious it is government policy to PAN-conceived from Washington-which has even begun to legislate to make it an obligation of the authorities. Have already begun to make public the consequences of state policy. In April 2011 a mass grave was found with 72 migrants in Tamaulipas and similar cases have recurred repeatedly. The National Human Rights Commission documented the involvement of public authorities in the abductions of migrants since 2009 (Special Report on Abduction Against Migrants). Recently reported that Central Americans were "sold" by agents of the National Institute of Migration to the criminal group Los Zetas (La Jornada, May 10, 2011). These crimes can be characterized as crimes against humanity.

drug cartels mutilation practiced daily, both to intimidate the warring groups, and to send messages. Many of those beheaded are civilians. They also recruit children under 15 years of age who do become assassins. An estimated 30 to 43,000 children have been recruited by criminal groups (Children and Armed Conflict in Mexico Network for children's rights in Mexico). This crime is the responsibility of the ICC under Article 8. 2 c) i 8. 2 e) vii) of the Rome Statute.

have also been widespread attacks to rehabilitation centers where the sick and addicted to drugs, such as occurred on June 26, 2010 in Durango, on 5 December 2010 in two centers in Ciudad Juárez and June 10, 2010 in Chihuahua to name a few. This crime is the responsibility of the ICC under Article 8. 2 e) iv) of the Rome Statute.

These are just some of the crimes that we live daily in Mexico.

The conflict is characterized by rampant impunity, because there is no penalty for soldiers, assassins or superiors who ordered these crimes and then conceal the guilty. Unfortunately the courts in our country are almost judge prevented the holder of federal executive (Article 108 of the Constitution) adding to that the lack of fiscal autonomy in Mexico (Attorney General's Office), which also means not being pursued to high civil and military officials responsible for this crisis. Nor is it possible to bring to justice those soldiers who have materially violated, tortured, disappeared and killed Mexicans due to the endless scope of military jurisdiction. When a soldier commits any crime against civilians, the facts are tried by military courts (art. 57 Code of Military Justice). American Court of Human Rights has held that the jurisdiction military criminal jurisdiction is competent to investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute and punish perpetrators of human rights violations, so that Mexico is violating human rights (Case Radilla vs. Pacheco. Mexico). The refusal

in our country to punish the perpetrators of these crimes, the ICC is for the offensive end impunity that has prevailed in Mexico for at least 4 years. We ask the Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, initiate an investigation on the basis of information that accompanies this letter, in accordance with Article 15.1 of the Rome Statute of the ICC.


want to sign the petition:

If calderon viable prosecution.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Illustrations Of Pregnant Woman

Am I going? "I stay?

What do you think? "I go or stay?

Friday, May 13, 2011

My Car Amp Stop Working Why?

as time goes on, the board blog more visitors and make some changes in appearance, but you'd like more

does the banner of 2010? Does this year?

Scholarsip For Lazy Eye

your decision is important Thanks for these years!

The truth has cost me much to return to the page, and that 6 months ago lost to the msn password, but you supported me and that's what matters ... LKM! (I love them!)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Can You Use An Xbox Vision Camera On Oovoo

Corruption has become the value system of social life

Written by: Andrew L. Matthew

writing this article at the risk of repeating my thoughts on the primitive accumulation of capital resulting from the practice of politics and the corruption of the past twenty years, but it is necessary to emphasize the specificity of this phenomenon in the Dominican Republic to understand what has happened.
Some economists say that primitive accumulation plays in the economy has the same role in the theology of original sin. Moreover, the metaphor is spread from Chapter XXIV of the famous book of Karl Marx "Capital" for though this accumulation is not the result of the capitalist system that Marx studied, it is nevertheless a starting point for him. This explains in fact the primitive accumulation is how to form the primary stock of wealth in the hands of capitalists. Marx abounded regarding this process was anything but idyllic, and drew the character of the system according to the degree of exploitation and pillage that primitive accumulation entailed.
This category has historically served to study many social formations, and was what, for example, Juan Bosch attempted in his famous book "Dominican social composition." Only the social sciences in the Republic Dominican are very creative and have always operated repeating their own schemes. While it is true that in our history, as in the English model that Marx described, originating large accumulations are associated with the expansion of the capitalist character of the mode of production, it is also true that today this phenomenon has a wealth accumulation area more closely linked to the exercise of political power.
What is the specific gravity reaches the national wealth and money from political corruption? Have not had to fold the national oligarchies the thrust of corporate corruption from political groups? Is not political practice of the economic ladder expeditious ways in our country? A hundred billion pesos a year, estimate of what is lost in corruption, are not sufficient to deform the social stratification?
If according to classical theory the money always expressed a lot of work involved, and always measured values, in the Dominican Republic is not so. While for fifteen million dollars in profit one has to transform industrial raw materials, purchased equipment, pay salaries and taxes, plan production, to place the goods in the circuit of market movement, a corrupt politician with no infrastructure, without turning on machinery, workers unpaid payroll, no taxes, just with a grain import exemption under the provisions of protection of NAFTA, for example, can get into the pockets fifteen million dollars in a simple commercial transaction, based on political influence.

Corruption has become a whole range of values \u200b\u200bof the Dominican social life, and as the money is value in pure state, an official can be won through influence peddling, what a real producer of wealth would never reach honest work, is a serious disruption of social roles, which discourages the productive apparatus nation. This "original sin" of accumulation is a tempting challenge for research, because many "entrepreneurs" and the rich that multiply before our eyes, from the political apparatus, without knowing the primary stock of their wealth. And since money is an invisible force, compared with traditional rich, these politicians "new rich" rub shoulders with an oligarchy that disdains, but that fears them.
What has happened is, therefore, that the level of corruption has changed the balance of power in the Dominican social life, and primitive accumulation that political practice has become corporate. There are politicians as rich as the most sonorous names of the traditional oligarchy. And the rich set of primitive accumulation which is the state competes advantageously with the powers of the nation. Was not the excesses of the primitive accumulation which was the foundation of rejection so strong that the powers given to the re-election bid of President Fernandez?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Funny Fake Diseases For Halloween

3,500 visits!

Thanks for brighten up my day, today was a terrible day but funny haha! I tell them:

got in the classroom to English, my friend Camila hit me in the eye with the bottle, the teacher told him and went down to tell to say I do, and we were walking, when we went to the classroom the teacher remained with the face of WTF?!?! where were they?! he said - the chick is not wise to do uu ..

Another thing ...

I take the phone to school, and phones are not allowed because they cause noise nuisance and can ring in class or may be lost and the school is not responsible, what happens is that it was in English class and shut down the cellulose, a little minutes after the entire course was silent until ... RIII BIIII BIIRII BIIIII! sounds like the damn phone, I said
- Oo as it came here?! woow this is maal
-we talk to the teacher what flower: /
told my younger sister was y. .. xD I have no sister

Baby's Face Turns Blue When Coughing


If, uh created a Facebook page for this blog, if you visit, whether it is the 1st time I visit, just join the page by clicking on this link: Michael Manda Facebook

Monday, May 9, 2011

What Does A Rabbit's Paw Print Look Like


I love these flowers, and I will show you the various models I have.

How To Wear Panty And Bra


CART finally over. It was a success.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Make Your Own Water Bottle Rabbit

I just read "In Wikileaks"

By: Greeysis

In RD is common when a friend comes to travel abroad, returning with a gift for those close to them, was how a colleague after to spend their holiday in Europe to give me the book "Inside Web Wikileaks world's most dangerous."
The book personally contains 250 pages of easy reading, particularly because its content describes the website Wikileaks editor Julian Assange and in the last two years have attracted the attention of the international press.
Yet, I finish reading it with a feeling of heaviness after learning the intricacies of the relationship between Julian Assange and the author of the book Domscheit-Berg for his "discrepancies excess Assange control and role of" demystifying a different Julian to as known in the media, at least in Latin America.
's no secret that labor relations are not easy to handle when personal egos are not controlled, particularly in pressure environments and powers as in the media.
Personally I had to survive all attacks and speculation during my short career, however, I have found that the time is responsible for putting each person in place and to clarify the situations were not handled properly.
What catches my attention Domscheit-Berg or Daniel Schmitt, "is the negative charge of energy transmitted by the book as he describes the attitudes and personality as Assange Wikileaks reveals that all is not what we wanted.
understand your need to vent, to reflect, to share with the public the truth about the security of the site and promote their project Openleaks. But this book, moves away from the concept literature, what is journalism, what is information. "This book is not it? Just gives me a lot of data under the guise of a feeling of hatred and resentment.
Like most "books" that are now published an advertising project seems "crude" that was launched at the juncture of the crisis of Wikileaks after the publications of the American diplomatic cables and submission to the Julian Assange justice.
Nevertheless, German-Berg Domscheit reveals interesting facts about foreign policy and management Wikileaks. Described by major media as "the new technology journalism." But according to the author was led by an egomaniac without scruples or ethics when it comes to managing the information received.
The author reveals the unthinkable for me: Wikileaks always lacked a reliable system for protection of sources and a structure to process thousands of documents he received. Describes the Web According
operated as follows: a source hangs his documents, Wikileaks team cleans metadata, check shipments and accompanying notes drawn on the text.
At first this did Assange Domscheit and although publicly declared that they had thousands of employees who processed the information. Then put together a team that knew no lead Assange its profit and media prominence as the sole founder of the controversial website.
As would be expected, the author devotes several chapters to defend the American soldier Bradley Manning, accused of leaking secret documents to Wikileaks over the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Percent, documents by the irresponsible management of Assange could have endangered the lives of informants who collaborated with the U.S. government. Manning
The soldier is imprisoned awaiting a military trial in the Marine Corps Base Quantico (Virginia) charged with the capital offense of "aiding the enemy." Could face the death penalty or spend up to 52 years in prison. Berg said Domscheit know if Manning really leaked the documents to the web.
The book provides a lot of data but for me the best book is "your friend can become your worst enemy."

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

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Silent March for Peace and Justice on Sunday May 8, 2011

May 8 the breaking point.


Por Esto

Every day more organizations join the journey for peace to be held on Sunday 8 with marches and protests in 40 Mexican cities and a dozen foreign / Foremost among these signs of discontent which will depart from and arrive Cuernavaca the Zocalo / But the organizers of the event, including Javier Sicilia, are concerned that the demonstrations of discontent by the 40 thousand dead in the war on drugs is considered a protest over / It is a national citizens' movement, stress, culminating with the signing, in Ciudad Juárez, the Pact for Peace and Reconstruction of the Country

MEXICO CITY, April 30 (PROCESS) .- Before starting the silent march for peace and justice on Sunday August, conveners make a reflection: 40,000 deaths in the last five years-one every hour on average - more than 10 000 missing, and thousands of widows and orphans are making the country a cemetery ...

Javier Sicilia warns: "Mexicans are making in people maimed soul, which is a form of death ". And claims that a month after the murder of his son Juan Francisco and six others in Cuernavaca, there is not responsible for detainees, despite intervention Army and state and federal police.

Given this state of affairs met Javier Sicilia, the capital exómbudsman Emilio Álvarez Icaza, the president of Common Cause, María Elena Morera, the president of Mexico United Against Crime Eduardo Gallo, the priest Oscar Enriquez of Juárez Human Rights Center Paso del Norte, the priest also Alejandro Solalinde, Oaxaca Hostel Brothers on the Path, and Julian LeBaron, who heads a social movement against kidnapping in Chihuahua. The purpose: to define the scope of the march. All agreed that this will be the beginning of a national movement for peace, justice and rebuilding the country.

"For me," says Solalinde, this march is the best opportunity we've had in front of the grave situation we live in, to rebuild the country that goes into a tailspin and put a stop to the violence, corruption and impunity. The departure means that Mexico will be given a chance. "

For Gallo, the event will be a catharsis for people to express their anger, their frustration and hopelessness, and also a turning point for the citizen movement that calls for solutions to insecurity, unemployment and impunity, and who wants to participate in decision-making.

"People want to say that you disagree with what's happening in the country is not what you want or what we hoped to build the political class," said the businessman whose daughter was 25 years kidnapped and murdered a decade ago.

Each of the organizers of the protest is clear that this is not a march to demand more security. Its nature is different: part of a national movement that wants to participate in rebuilding the country.

"It will be silent march because it is a way of saying that there are no words to express that we are on the edge of a glaring social problem ... The message is for politicians and for employers, unions, authorities and society: we must assume the role we play and build a new country. It's time to say enough is enough, "insists Gallo.

- What is the message for Calderon?

" That has to listen to citizens, and if it receives read the message or not this need, we is not got nothing to do. It would exclude himself from reconstruction of the life of this country. We can not keep focused on violence, destruction, death, militarization. This is not an option for anyone.

Towards a national movement

citizens' efforts are multiplied throughout the country to make progress. Until Thursday, April 28 was envisaged the participation of social groups and relatives of almost every state in 44 Mexican cities demonstrations and protests in 18 U.S. and Berlin Paris, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSeville, Buenos Aires and Santiago.

On April 28, Subcomandante Marcos announced that the EZLN's indigenous bases on Sunday 8th march in San Cristobal de las Casas and have called on members of the Other Campaign to manifest throughout the country and abroad.

Last week the organizers met to define the key points that will present at the meeting of the Zocalo, while viewed with concern the escalating violence in the country: more killed, missing and discovery of clandestine graves in Tamaulipas, Durango and Sinaloa, where 306 bodies have been found.

"This war is against all citizens because those who are paying with the pain of our dead we are. Moreover, we are crippling the soul, because we are installing fear. We can not remain the same. The political authorities at all levels can not keep thinking about the violence, "says Javier Sicilia.

claims that it is creating a national citizen movement that wants to speak out and participate in the process of rebuilding the country.

As an example of force which can mean a citizen initiative of this kind mentioned the National March for Justice and Against Impunity in the National Defence Commission of the Chamber of Deputies to stop the approval of the National Security Act.

This legislative attempt that ended in the freezer, says: "It seems to only have the imagination to violence. The National Security Act is to that, the resources too, but nobody is worried about the victims or for citizenship that is in danger of being victimized.

"Neither (the leaders) are concerned for our young people because there is no education or jobs. Employers are tearing the social fabric to kill small businesses, small mutually supportive relationships that make the lives of communities and peoples. Everything is torn. Nobody thinks of citizens in civil life, in human life, "he says.

So says the protest is against the political class against the business and against unions," which are rotten. "

- also called for Calderon?

" We

calling all. The truth is that Calderón brings 40 thousand dead on their backs and that is criminal. If the disaster is not because of him, would be because of the rot that began with the Calles, "the 40 thousand dead they are, he declared a stupid war, poorly designed, poorly led and ill-conceived. This is serious and must be aware of who is responsible for the 40 thousand deaths. Those killed were human beings who deserve a decent life. That is a crime. And that should be told Calderon: 'You bring 40 000 deaths and serious, your responsibility'. "

clarifies that if the political class wants to sign the pact will citizen to submit to trial because the co-opting the reach of organized crime. On the subject, believes that the country must have a "reorganization" political-judicial and Colombia, where 30% of Congress went to jail because he was involved with drug trafficking.

"I insist that much of the violence is in co-opting institutions. So when President Calderón said that the bad guys are out wrong, because they are also inside. If you do not believe in remaking the fabric of the country, truly doing justice and peace in the face of citizenship, civic service, hardly going to change, "he says, and warns that in advancing this movement does not seek any political position.

Solalinde same clear Alejandro, who points out that the organizers are people who seek pain from the good of Mexico.

"moral authority are people who do not want what they have been happening to others. It called for a national pact where we all do it better ourselves. I want to be emphatic and clear about this: not from the government, not from institutions but also against them because although they are tired, if not corrupted, we must revitalize from civil society, because it is the most hurt and where the hope for change, "says the priest, who leads an organization defending the rights of Central American migrants.

As far the role assumed by the poet Javier Sicilia in the movement against violence and against the excesses of anti-narco state in the fight, the extitular of the Human Rights Commission Federal District Emilio Alvarez Icaza says: "The leadership is different because Javier Sicilia is another story, that the mass movement of Morelos, who for many years working for non-violence, peace and justice. Has the influence of Base Ecclesial Communities and from a faith perspective that incorporates the popular movements. "

So, he says, this movement has a different origin and is not only concentrated in Sicily lies behind a civil movement with a long way in the struggle for human rights and justice.

Álvarez Icaza believes that the mobilization of Sunday 8 is a step toward a national civic movement, not just a protest.

"That's what we discussed: that beyond a demonstration, must become a channel for people's participation. Hence the idea that progress in Cuernavaca begin and end with the pact in Ciudad Juarez, which is the epicenter of the pain of this country. This is to create mechanisms for participation in many different ways. We do not want to be a gear, but the expression of a channel for citizen participation "he says.

turn, Sicilia said that participants will depend on the march to avoid becoming a social protest :

"I hope that social networking can be articulated on the basis of this soil that we are building a base of uniting they are the same social networks and the public who form such committees to supervise and that the pact to be signed in Ciudad Juárez are met and given up. "

And Solalinde warns against the danger that would the fact that civil society itself miss the opportunity to change that involves peace march:

"You'll ponder. Failure to accept this opportunity, if civil society does not understand the scope or importance of this initiative, the national pact, what remains is a country that will lose. Will be more violence, more deaths ... Citizens are captives of an uncertain future in the longer any party of any color will do something to resolve the crisis. Let's be honest: no party can save Mexico. "

Juárez Pact

One of the first actions planned for this movement is the signature of a Pact for Peace and Reconstruction in the country. The aim is to subscribe in Ciudad Juarez, which, to say Oscar Enriquez, can be very significant because that location is the most aggrieved the most hurt and hurt the country in the war against drug trafficking.

Enriquez presented to the organizers a proposal for a pact signed by eight organizations demilitarize Chihuahua providing social and civil life, the army back to barracks, no more military commanders in the police, demanding justice, an end to impunity, damages to the affected families, preservation of historical memory and reestablish the country by a citizen movement.

The document stresses: "The restructuring of the country and our cities must be from a human rights perspective where every life is worthy and valuable.

We oppose the government rhetoric that sees people as disposable and named 'collateral damage'. We want to participate in the restoration of a legitimate rule of law as a guarantee of existence appropriate for the government and, therefore, kidnapping and forced disappearance boost will not name them. Insist on it: the language discrimination. "

This note was taken from the following website: & view = article & id = 8226% 3A8-de-mayo-the-point-of-break & catid = 1%-more-recent 3Alo & Itemid = 75

Walk quietly to cry enough of war!

Pietro Ameglio

Walk as an expression of moral and material determination, firmness of purpose: no pass over the line of "moral boundary" national in the inhuman and violent journey as synonymous with a satiation and unbearable pain before a civil war (Montemayor dixit) that as civil society never approve.

From the end of last century is a radical about the identity of human casualties in war. In the First World War, for example, 15% of those killed were civilians in the Second, the figure rose to 50%, and the first Iraq-that of 1991 - rose dramatically to 90%.

The three initiatives launched in the country last April 13 in the Zocalo of Cuernavaca, the poet and nonviolent activist Javier Sicilia proposes that civil society assume a greater role to stop this stage us through the war, its purpose is, as soon as possible, make the field regredir solutions unarmed.

To achieve this, we must follow the advice of Gandhi, who said: "For too long we think the power came only from legislatures ... (But) this belief is a serious error caused by inertia or a kind of hypnotism. A cursory review of British history has made us think that all power comes to town by parliaments.

"The truth is that the power is in people and is committed temporarily to whom she may choose to represent themselves. Parliaments have no power or even existence regardless of the people. Convince the people of this simple truth has been my task over the past 21 years. Civil disobedience is the repository of power. "

Clearly the mechanical sum of these shares is not a strategy to stop such violence in the country. We have to enrich the activities between sectors of society ever wider, it's a tactical point in the accumulation of material and moral force to curb impunity and inhumanity that prevails in the country.

The first proposed action is to start naming and identity of the dead and disappeared during the war, to build an active living memory and bottom so that those dead are no longer anonymous, blamed, or reduced to mere statistics "collateral damage." It is desirable to know how they died on a massive scale and for justice.

Thus the task of filling the streets and public places with symbolic plates and stories of these young people (who are the majority of the victims), children, elderly, men and women throughout the country is only a first step. The second is a "walk up four days (to be held Thursday 5 to Sunday 8) at the heart of the Mexican nation, the center of their powers: the socket-Tenochtitlan.

long and symbolic Walks have been many: the salt of Gandhi in India, the Communists in China, the million-Martin Luther King, the Chicano leader Cesar Chavez Sacramento , that of the Colombian Minga, the Dignity of Dr. Salvador Nava, the Color of the Land of the Zapatistas ... not just about a march from Cuernavaca to Mexico City, but parallel demonstrations and nonviolent actions in many cities the country and the world, to help create great pressure social.

The mobilization which called Sicily is important to create a state of agitation and continuous collective reflection on these days in all corners of the country. The intention is that, like a snowball social, will help to expand a large column of protest and national proposal to advance from Cuernavaca, which, as a tide of dignity and strength of national civil society under the slogan "We to the mother. Stop the war! Mexico for a just and peaceful "in other parts of our territory also has activities.

Each day of march will pass it on in every corner of the country: "There goes the ball towards the City", similar to the expectation generated by the Gandhi of the salt march, in so far as they advanced on the India, people said: "We are close, what happened today ... This time will be a national uprising of moral indignation.

From Sicily murder of Juan Francisco Ortega and his friends, the civil society is shifting from the realm of solidarity with the struggle, because the bodies are in a different situation, as we have all could see more about our own vulnerability. He "played" the middle class, and then the great determination of that body it was attacked and the other sectors leave en masse to the street, on a surfeit of great social floor.

The death of these young people meant the accumulation of 40 000 deaths that remained in silence, threats, shame and terror. This announcement caused a break of that terror and the possibility that social pain is made collective action.

has insisted Javier Sicilia as it is a march-walk of silence. Silence is a moral and non-violent weapon that speaks, not the "silence of the graves", but the outcry of the living who are fighting for no more graves useless. There is a stunned silence, terrified, but active, to struggle. It is a silence that unites inclusive, it helps to listen and organize, to become aware of the disaster or national emergency in which we are, a sign of mourning for the floor with blood of 40 thousand deaths on all roads in Mexico. A recent example in our history of fighting and hopeful silence is the autonomous indigenous communities in Chiapas since 2003.

this silence is linked to another central idea: the pursuit of truth. Gandhi's nonviolence called just "the power of truth" and that's what much of Mexican society is looking for: to know the truth. Why there are 40 people dead, 10 000 orphans and 250 000 displaced only in Juarez, thousands missing, and the government talks about peace? Who are the murderers of the four young men from Cuernavaca, the six members of the Reyes family, Marisela Escobedo and Susana Chavez, of the 16 young people in Salvarcar, Chihuahua, Betty Darling and Jiri Jaakkola, of the 48 children ABC nursery Hermosillo, Sonora?

Why spend six times more money to the war that the fight against poverty, if there are 8 million young people who can not study or work? Why has not faced serious money laundering and the autonomy of the judiciary?

Throughout history the masses have always been able to identify symbols as well as clear and simple objectives in the short term. Two classic symbols of great marches have been the salt in India (March 1930) and the Color of the Earth taken by the Zapatistas (2001). At the moment the command is different: the dead and missing. We will go to the march with the names of the dead and missing from each state, with photos, to "reveal." March together living and "dead" to demand peace, truth, justice and dignity.
But it is also important not to delude or create false illusions, or strengthen a messianism that we all know that it takes more than a sterile caudillos chieftaincies and even violent. With these actions will not stop the war in the short or medium term, but it is going to go, as pointed out by Javier Sicilia, "reconstructing the floor of the nation, which is so completely torn apart by violence, in a state of national emergency ", on which all others may put social demands.

However, this new Ya basta! peaceful civilian challenge is going to transform into something organized and strategic, which can not depend on the initiative, in part so far, of one or more central figures in public moral high accumulation. To achieve this joint and organized very positively, with pluralism, respect, freedom and creativity is the possibility of moving from one stage of mobilization of social movement.

The final step of this stage of civil and peaceful struggle will be to build a "compact", as argued by many, primarily among civil society, and then with the other social forces in the country with a series of few and very specific basic actions on security, economy, justice ..., to be sure they are met by those responsible. The pact stems from the crisis of political representation, where the political class does not represent or listen to anyone.

This is a watershed in our current history, the picture of the dilemma is: a Moreover, the system tries to impose National Security Act which threatens all forms of human rights and further militarized the country, on the other, these mass demonstrations and nonviolent civil for peace with justice. War or peace.

So you have to go now! It's time to raise his voice and body unite in a Stop the War in Mexico!

This notice was taken of the following website: silence-to-cry-ya.html

Silent March for Peace and Justice on Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mainboard Space Walker

media violence and the gag agreement

... And the media is gagged

Apro / José Gil Olmos / MEXICO

Posted: 27/3/2011

all started with a presidential request. On the morning of August 5, 2010 Felipe Calderon met in Los Pinos with the owners of the major radio and television and newspapers and magazines. The President asked them to "be part of its" war on drugs, "self-regulate" their content, promote the idea that the government was winning the battle and "avoid" interview "criminals" not to turn them into heroes.

Seven months later came the result. On Thursday, 24 was announced the agreement for coverage of Violence officially marked 715 / 2 -Although the firm attended only half-hundred in a ceremony headed by the two major television networks, Televisa and TV Azteca

Pedro Torres Estrada, deputy publisher of El Diario of Ciudad Juarez, one of the most affected by violence organized crime, said in a telephone interview: "We suspect that behind all this are the hands of government." Proceso

comment a few weeks ago Claudio X. Gonzalez, on behalf of the Televisa Foundation, invited to sign the document. Rejected the invitation. "We were told that President Calderon was interested in having a meeting Earlier Tuesday in Los Pinos or elsewhere, and that would give great pleasure that we were present. We said thank you very much, but no. "

- Do you see a possibility of censure?

"We suspect that this is not a citizen. If we go back and review the terms of governments in relation to the coverage of violence, many of these are implicit in the agreement. They accuse us of being apologists for violence, we are creating heroes of criminals. We believe that, at some point, this might be behind the government's hand.

Raul Trejo Delarbre The communications expert provides a different view, but complementary: the agreement, he says, clearly meets the business interests of Televisa and TV Azteca, they need "standing" at a time when faced with the telecommunications giant, Grupo Carso.

"I can say with all responsibility, but without citing my source, that several media managers confirmed that I was Televisa's corporate office where they called to invite them to join in this document," said Trejo, president of the Association Mexico's Right to Information.

process adds in an interview that Televisa and TV Azteca the agreement is actually "an act of propaganda" and therefore was presented in a "scenario lamentable" and "show are": the Museum of Anthropology became a television set.


Regular news coverage on the drug has been a goal of Calderón years. In November 2009 took place in Boca del Río, Veracruz, Congress Citizenship and Media. Joint Action, organized by the government of the entity and the Attorney General's Office. Participated Margarita Zavala, wife of the president. One of its main decisionmaking was that the media "Not grant space to the messages of criminal groups or their representatives."

On August 5, 2010, at the meeting at Los Pinos, Calderon insisted on the issue by asking media owners to join the Dialogue for Security. Towards a State Policy.

The meeting was private. Attendees included executives of Televisa, TV Azteca, Radio Mil, Organizacion Editorial Mexicana, El Universal, MVS, Radio Formula, Grupo ACIR, the National Chamber of the Cable Telecommunications Industry, the National Chamber of Industry Radio and Television (CIRT), Millennium Group, Radiorama, Radio Centro Unomásuno and newspapers, The Chronicle, La Jornada, La Razón and Rumbo de Mexico.

On 9 November of that year, opening the sixty-sixth meeting of the Inter American Press Association, Calderon again raised the issue. Noting that organized crime has become "the biggest risk to journalism and stands as the main source of restrictions, intimidation and repression to work," it called for the regulation of content.

"It is necessary to report the crime without apology, avoid playing into the media agenda of criminal organizations is not any way to hide the problems, but reflect the reality and put into perspective the great efforts we make to solve our problems, balance information, taking into account, yes, if necessary by the fact itself, news, voice of the criminal intimidation .

Thursday March 17 insisted on the edge of the joke: "If I had not been a politician maybe I would have devoted to journalism, which I like, is a profession that respect," he said speaking at the forum Mexico: Gateway to America organized by the group BBVA-Bancomer and the English newspaper El Pais.

"It would have made a newspaper called Balance sheet and the front would put aside all the bad news, the most important, and across all major good news. And amid the good or bad without any ranking there. "

After ensuring that the only "sit and unconcealed totally objective facts" are sports stories, Calderon said that "it must balance and put into perspective what is Mexico, not hide or ignore the problems that exist in the country."

signing the Agreement for the coverage of Violence Felipe Calderón seems to have achieved one of its goals: an alliance with a Mexican newspaper industry in its fight against drug trafficking.

Hours after the national broadcast of the event sent a message from Apodaca, Nuevo Leon: "I think this agreement demonstrates very clearly that the responsibility, when fully exercised by all and especially by the media, allows better cope with the phenomenon of criminal violence, violence caused by criminal groups and organizations that affect Mexicans. " Calderón

needed this agreement especially as polls published last month showed that his popularity has dropped to 52%, not seen since 2008, and increased public perceptions about crime and violence.

"Calderon has been uncomfortable for years with the media coverage of violence," said Raul Trejo. "Anytime you can reiterates his desire for media in Mexico has seen both good and bad issues, but sometimes there are not many good times to cover. I do not know if he sponsored, but applauded the agreement, "he says.

hollow measures

During the preparation of the agreement were members of the CIRT which raised the need reporters give them life insurance, training, security protocols and higher wages. Most of those working for media that signed the agreement without such benefits. Some do not have Social Security.

But the proposals were not successful, they stayed in the title of "establishing mechanisms for the protection of journalists in situations of risk."

The draft agreement, which could process consulting, are substantially different from the final document.

For example, in the second point proposed refuse interviews "with members of organized crime organizations (sic) where there is conviction against him. " In the final version only refers to "prevent criminals or suspected criminals or victims become public heroes" and "ignore and discard information that comes from criminal groups for propaganda purposes."

Those who did not want

It said the deal was signed by the major media in the country. But there were absences. Some were invited but declined to participate, such as El Diario de Ciudad Juárez, and other plane were not invited, as La Jornada, Reforma, Process, Multivision, TV Cable and many local media. Indeed

appear a few media entities in which organized crime is more violent, Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Guerrero, Michoacan, Sinaloa and Nuevo Leon.

Pedro Torres states that although the environment in which work was invited decided not to sign the agreement because from their perspective is not so generally regulate the editorial, the reality of Juárez is not the same as that of other cities .

"We can not work under the same conditions as the envoys who have more freedom in managing the information that we who remain here when publishing the note. In addition there are safety issues that have to be present every time you publish something, and people who write in the distance is very different from the situation. We do not believe that this generalization is feasible with the criteria and principles for the coverage of violence. "

In an editorial on Friday 25 newspaper La Jornada questioned why, he said, "take a similar test to standardize the editorial of the majority of the country's media and seek a kind of truth only about a factor country full of ambiguities, gray areas are incomprehensible facts based on official releases and legally vulnerable by criminal organizations but also by public agencies. "

also complains that some companies that are leading the deal, as TV Azteca, have passed above the law and in 2006, when "recovered" the facilities of Channel 40.

The paper's editorial says breakdown of the Decalogue and falling into media lynchings, possibilities of censorship, threat to editorial independence and conjures up the ideas a few days ago the Chief Executive for federal, Felipe Calderón, on which in criterion should be the proper way to make a newspaper. "

and concluded, "you will favor Flaco means by choice aligned around a single truth and voluntarily yoked to triumphalism, omissions and errors of the official discourse. "

journalist Carmen Aristegui, in his column on Friday 25 in the newspaper Reforma, said that some of the signatories, in their collaborations, which have accused did not sign the agreement as "petty as ever."

The driver of the MVS morning news that it is impossible to shake the suspicion that the final intention of all this is, to paraphrase the specialist Edgardo Buscaglia, "managing the flow of information." That is, standardizing information and from the media, not from reality, to transform the perception of what is happening.

"The agreement was signed at the time when all indicators point to the failure of the government strategy," says Aris.

This note was taken from the following website:

The agreement, like the President

Arturo Rodriguez Garcia

The President Felipe Calderon's claims against those who question their security policy were echoed in the Agreement for the coverage of violence, driven by the Televisa-TV Azteca duopoly and signed by media representatives from around the country on Thursday the 24.

The lawsuit, filed in Mexico 2011 Initiative program, includes a section on editorial criteria of 10 points.

In the first three issues are addressed on the treatment to be given to information and match almost complete with the approaches on the issue Calderón stated almost from the beginning of his mandate:

1. Take a stand against the violence generated by organized crime, 2. Do not become unwitting mouthpieces of organized crime, 3. Properly sizing information.

addition, sections 7 and 10 indicates that the media should promote participation and citizen complaints and not interfere in the fight against crime.

On several occasions the President has referred to information disseminated by the media about the violence plaguing the country.

The February 25, 2010, at a meeting with businessmen in the Yucatan, the president delivered a speech in full agreement with the Decalogue of editorial criteria of the agreement:

"Of course, if you see the national press, of course the blanket left also in a village, a message from fellow for-so ... What it costs us to either you or the government to pay front of several million dollars, it does appear on the front page, full color, "he noted.

later said:

"Sometimes it's a sport, sometimes it comes to seeing how much we exacerbate our problems, how much we can amplify the challenges we . (...) And that does cause much damage, I'm not saying, stating that the problem does not exist, but we have a real problem of insecurity that we must fight, and if someone has an alternative, I say 'not bout ', to tell me, "challenged the president to his critics for his" war. "

At a lunch with ambassadors and Mexican consuls, on 6 January, instructed to "speak well of Mexico" and cited data from the violence that prevails in Central and South America, where the numbers of homicides are superior to those of Mexico. He insisted that there is a "perception problem" when broadcast material on this topic.

The first to take the floor were the directors of the National Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Services (Kanak-Servitur), whose leaders launched the "Let the good of Mexico" since mid-2010.

On January 25 Calderón inaugurated the National Tourism Convention called by the Kanak-Servitur. There was submitted the second stage of the campaign, entitled "Let's talk and act either by Mexico."

After the meeting the president signed a decree to declare 2011 as "Year of Tourism in Mexico."

Intellectual way

The president not only has used business meetings to send their messages to the media that did not agree with their policies. It also has used prominent intellectuals, for example, on Friday March 4, in granting the Order of the Aztec Eagle Badge degree, the largest awarded by the Mexican government, the Nobel Prize Mario Vargas Llosa, it was full of praise to the current regime.

In his message Calderon told English-Peruvian reader whom he described as a freedom fighter.

Gone are

critical speech writer who coined the term "perfect dictatorship" to refer to the PRI regime. Moved, praised "freedom" that exists in Mexico and said excited to know that Calderon is one of his readers.

The signing was witnessed by prominent figures such as José Narro, rector of UNAM; Yoloxóchitl Bustamante, director general of the IPN, Juan Ramon de la Fuente, president of the International Association of Universities , Federico Reyes Heroles, president of the Governing Council of Transparency Mexico, Hector Aguilar Camin, director the magazine Nexos, and Homero Aridjis, writer and poet, among others.


So leaders of organizations like the Mexican Council of Businessmen, Stand for the Best in Media, Communication Council, and citizens María Elena Morera, Common Cause, and Mrs. Isabel Miranda de Wallace.

There is also some governors who have come together to support. For example, of Durango, the PRI candidate Jorge Herrera Caldera, was full of praise for the president.

At a meeting held on Tuesday 22 in that state said: "From here I also join the millions of Mexicans who recognize and appreciate the strength and courage with which President Calderón faces the challenges of the country. In Durango we are allies of the president in the fight for public safety and against organized crime, "he said.

Pleased, Calderon said

"We need to keep working hard on the issue of security for Durango, because it is a fundamental problem in the state. Know Durango which has had and will continue to receive federal support to address and resolve this problem. "

This notice was taken of the following website:

The Republic of Televisa.

Miguel Angel Granados Chapa

MEXICO CITY, March 28 .- While missing 15 months in the constitutional election, Televisa seems to have accomplished his project to build the figure of the president. Now seeks something more ambitious. Wants to build the republic itself. Want to design the kind of society that govern Peña Nieto, the kind of media being tucked in, the editorial with which information is transmitted over public safety policy and actions of organized crime. It is not proposed to draw a line, but build a wall to divide the participants of the excluded. As if it were a giant club, Televisa reserves the right to refuse admission to the territories inhabited by the chosen, the type of people who star in the public life and are able to build trust. No that is not on the list prepared by Televisa will have real existence. Be left out in the side of the highway.

Such unconscionable purpose is the objective of Mexico Initiative, a project of propaganda that has already had its first edition last year. With huge device called the presentation of ideas and tasks that would realize the true capabilities of Mexicans. There were thousands of such projects in different fields, some of which were awarded to denote that there is a portion of society do not waste your time or expect government assistance for their personal or group interests.

now launched the second edition of Mexico Initiative. The curtain rose on Thursday 24 with a grand meeting and not in a private (the former convent of San Hipólito), but in a public auditorium, the National Museum of Anthropology. The content of this new edition is more overtly political than the first. Televisa adopt it earlier than last year, when it began in June. Now released in March, full elections. It refers to the social communication related to the violence generated by organized crime. And from there, from the definition of the subject, adopting a perspective akin to the government, which requires responsibility away from itself in the genesis of violence: it arises only in criminal activity, not because the state is also practiced .

The ostensible part of Mexico Initiative II is the Agreement for the coverage of the violence. Televisa and its allies and dependents prepared a sort of code of ethics that assumes (which is not presented as such, but is explicit) that the collective information management is essential for the effective containment of violence generated by the crime organized. " That is, information policy consistent, uniform, can decrease violence, spread it out as its cause. That reasoning would follow easily the corollary that to suppress the violence there is no need to stop talking about it, to deny the company the information you need to regulate their lives.

There are other assumptions, some implicit, in the formulation of the objectives of the Agreement. It is assumed that the news coverage of violence can serve "to spread terror among the population." Having the direct effects of violence without doubt creates fear, but it is difficult to prove que la difusión de la violencia lo cause también. Un indicio de que no hay relación de causa-efecto entre difundir violencia y provocar miedo acaba de ser observado: hay gran violencia en Acapulco, de la que se sabe fuera del puerto, y sin embargo esa información no inhibió al turismo nacional para llegar en los puentes recientes. El del fin de semana pasado permitió que hubiera más del 90% de ocupación hotelera.

El Acuerdo enumera 10 criterios editoriales que deben aplicarse “sin demérito de la independencia editorial de cada medio”. En general, tales criterios son adecuados y compatibles aun para medios que no suscriben el Acuerdo. Algunos de ellos son, But frankly ridiculous. The first two are in that case. The initial order "take a stand against." Instruct (because we use the verb) "to condemn and reject violence motivated by organized crime", something completely unnecessary, because it is "in the nature of things" as they say in the language of the authors of the decalogue. The second is downright funny. Any means to avoid becoming "unwitting spokesman for organized crime": How to avoid an involuntary act, as it is just that, something that is done without meaning to?

actually that this provision calls on the media is a deliberate bias that alters the meaning of information. Orders "ignore and discard the information that comes from criminal organizations." Certainly refers to narcomensajes, banners and signs that advertise characters actions or statements. If that command proceed as prescribed, you run the risk of making the incomprehensible, which is devoid of one of its elements, which can make sense.

The remaining criteria are generally acceptable, sharable. Some come from basic manuals of journalism, as an appropriate measurement information ", or legal provisions, as "Not to prejudge guilty" and "care for victims and children." To believe that resulted from a self-criticism of television, which has recently arrested and convicted to be merely an extension of stakeholders and illegal messages from law enforcement authorities or public safety, which condemned but later time and without adequate dissemination, exonerate the judges because they are innocent or because their responsibilities were not tested.

journalistic code of Mexico Initiative, is Televisa's rules "protect journalists' and "solidarity against any threat or action against reporters and media." Are empty words in the mouths of journalists that were in pride over the union solidarity wanted to show during and after the crisis last July, when reporters and television cameramen were kidnapped. A protest march against such action came not involved, and even rejected the gesture of those who do not consider worthy of being called peers. In more recent cases, instead of siding with media reporters and called into question, the networks were the authors of the question, in devising devious accusations are not based in any way. That was For Ricardo Ravelo, a reporter of Process, and the journal itself, as well as the newspaper Reforma, all identified as perpetrators of crime, when committed only to bare the political actions, not informative, Televisa.

Regardless of the decalogue, the objectionable portion of this Agreement is the message that will create a "citizen monitoring body" to examine the media's adherence to these editorial policies. This is a threat of exclusion. Agreement means subscribers will form the catalog of the "good news", as it always did religious corporations. Be medium struck anyone miss any of these commandments, according to observers citizens. And do not tell the marginal situation in which the media have not been invited or declined to participate in this Agreement. They were placed with the omission as suspects, as the government wants to do this weekly, which offended twice and placing copies of the magazine with stockpiles confiscated from criminal gangs. The first major condemnation of this reaction will occur inquisitorial system, you have it for sure, when Ismael Zambada, El Mayo, and Joaquín Guzmán Loera, El Chapo, respond to questionnaires submitted to them by Julio Scherer Garcia, as he relates in his book Stories death and corruption, in the sense that continues the publication of his encounter with Zambada. Instead of considering the value of journalism, the social utility of knowing the motives of those who are in check the country, the false teachers of journalism, harmless and wicked purveyors of ethical know neither of the lining, would they want to have parts of that caliber in which prime.

That's the kind of journalism who have no place in the Republic of Televisa.

This view was taken from the following website:

Agreement for coverage of Violence.