Thursday, December 30, 2010

Vidos De Niñas Follando

Growth shakes, why?

We must strive to strengthen our national project


1. They say that "the economy grew 7.8%!". The Dominicans, we must begin to question such "good news" because it really is a rare growth, abnormal, breaking with many parameters, and what is beyond dispute is less than the majority because its fruits are poorly distributed, and we have a national fragile and integrator.
2. We grow with high unemployment, double the average for Latin America, with a brutal denationalization of labor markets, typical of an area of \u200b\u200bwild capitalism, with real wages in the early 90's, with few links to productivity, with a class average rather than consolidate and expand is constrained, while the poverty assistance programs reinforce attitudes.
3. Similarly, we must question that growth for its high concentration, low social spending and much imbalance between regions. The concentration we can observe in the property, credit, business opportunities, information, and especially in market failures. The low social spending can be seen, painfully, in the budgets allocated to education, health and basic services, and regional disparities, glaring into the dangerous neglect suffered by the West and the frontier provinces.
4. What are the bases of that growth? It is true we have a tremendous potential to become one of the strongest economies and diversified across the region, but it is also true that some of its most dynamic in this is being boosted by shady forces and interests, through and money laundering schemes easy profit and consumption of super luxury.
5. The social and national balance of that growth - "the highest and sustained" throughout Latin America in recent decades - is one of exclusion, marginalization, informality. Something which in turn weakens the bonds of millions of Dominicans in a state marked by a policy, more capable of dispensing favors to guarantee rights, and from these and other weaknesses, has increasing difficulties in the exercise of self-determination in areas of sovereignty and territorial integrity.
6. Is this growth sustainable? The answer is no. I have the impression that without increased and sustained process external borrowing - stimulated or tolerated by the international organizations, in obedience to the geopolitical realities of island - as well as the avenues open to facilitate the flight abroad of our best human resources, the national crisis would be much more profound, complex, controversial.

7. The Dominicans must strive to strengthen our national project for the economic growth resulting from real benefit to all, ie, an inclusive growth. And the national project is strengthened when the ruling classes are able to arrive at agreements, when they have the will to enforce them in time, when the main purpose of such is the interest of nation and its great majority, and especially when they are able to convert them into public policies increasingly encourage the integration of a greater number of citizens in the production, consumption and effective citizenship. That is the great challenge .... and hope.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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I just wonder: how long?

The Prosecution of Corruption is a bad dance masks

Unfortunately, impunity has reached critical levels in the Dominican Republic. We are accustomed to scandals in the press, without the public prosecutor be motivated to conduct a serious investigation to punish gross acts of corruption.
We have thousands of cases which demonstrate journalistic trasversación of funds, abuse of power, influence, excessive and abusive use of resources without which the State or society let alone grieve nauseating abuse as squandering the money of the state.
The worst thing is that a significant portion of society admires it comes to power and served him. The proof is that many aspire to have what they have. A life-changing dream like winning the lottery, buying all new and living the good life. " Best of all is that there is no penalty. And if the there, there is a reprieve.
The Directorate of Prosecution of Corruption always been committed to investigate complaints without warning in that year will be the publication of results. Made statements occupying front-page headlines, forgetting that his role is to implement actions do not complain. Recently the director
Mr. Otoniel Bonilla said that since 1844 no country in jail for corruption and this is because the judicial system protects politicians. "
However, what is not said Hotoniel Bonilla is that administrative corruption is not punished by the compromise of the political system, which keeps the public ministry as a puppet of the executive.
While the President appoints the Attorney of justice and this in turn name the head of administrative prosecution, we have corruption. No government in the party that is in the DR is going to prosecute its officials.
This indifference, indolence, disrespect the rule of law is what infuriates a segment of the population that does not go to vote in elections and does not believe in cheap demagogy of politicians we have. I just wonder: how long?

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The Wikileaks

Written by: Rafael Molina Morillo ( )

What Our Lady of technology help us! My God, why we have to suffer so much with what should be a divine blessing, as it seemed to be email?
All because of two or three dozen inconsiderate or ignorant not yet realized that the mentioned email was invented to make life easier, allowing humanity to exchange messages from anywhere in the world and the speed of light .
The people I refer to are those which, without considering the consequences, send messages lengthy and accompanied by numerous photos or "attachments" which, by occupying huge mega-spaces ", are painfully slow and heavy. And to top it off, repeat mismo mensaje dos y tres veces, como para asegurarse de que llegará a su destino!
Hagamos una campaña en pro del mensaje electrónico conciso y breve, y vayamos a las puertas del Congreso con pancartas alusivas, vestidos todos de color… ¡verde!, por ejemplo, para ver si nos hacen más caso que a los del 4%. Pero hagamos algo, lo que sea, para reivindicar las bondades del abusado correo electrónico.

Monday, December 20, 2010

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The truth is that for quite some time since I hung anything, and a few minutes ago as I have fought a friend, I finally decided to make an entrance.
So go for it, if, Ana, to you.
Some time ago I forgot where I read the mistletoe lucky, so from here I wish luck and prosperity for everyone pass by my blog and especially for this friend.
Hopefully next year all our dreams come true. Besos

Friday, December 17, 2010

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email: Corruption blights foreign investment in Dominican Republic

Empresarios estadounidenses relatan a su Embajada en Santo Domingo cómo algunos funcionarios exigen sobornos e incluso llegan a las amenazas


United States believes that the climate of corruption in the Dominican Republic to foreign investment left at the mercy of government officials demanding bribes in a "bold" in a country where surveys show that people accept these facts. Some U.S. investors have even received threats, corrupt officials have been promoted to positions of greater responsibility.
The complaints are directed against the Dominican government, "which is successful in attracting investment through good public relations with rhetoric in favor of business, and even signing contracts with favorable terms for foreign investors, when in fact the outlook for investors is embroiled with foreign brokers and a corrupt legal framework conducive to satisfy the whims of public officials, "according to reports sent to include Washington.
Embassy in Santo Domingo is particularly the case echoes of the securities firm Advent International, which managers explained to U.S. officials in mid-2009 for the inconvenience, threats and demands for bribes suffered when purchased Aeropuertos Dominicanos Siglo XXI (Aerodom), the concessionaire for the management of various airports in the Caribbean country. It was the first of many investments Advent intended to do in Dominican Republic and was formalized in October 2008. "Only seven months then [one of the officers of the company] told a political counselor of the embassy that Advent would make no further investment in the country and helped reinforce Aerodom in six or seven years, "said in a report to the Charge d'Affaires Richard Goughnour .
Aerodom owners, as related by the embassy, \u200b\u200bpointing to an official, Andres Van Der Horst, once president of Aviation and which currently holds no public office. After several very negative reports by the commission Van der Horst demanded that the airport free storage of agricultural export products, a sector in which the Dominican official has interests familiares. Ante la negativa, los directivos recibieron la visita del general Jaime Osas, quien colocando un arma de fuego sobre la mesa, señaló: "Vengo a arreglar una cuenta pendiente entre usted y mi jefe". Poco después, relata el cable enviado a Washington, Van der Horst exigió explícitamente un soborno de cinco millones de pesos dominicanos, unos 143.000 dólares. Las quejas llegaron a algunos ministros, que reconocieron que el funcionario era un corrupto. Finalmente tomó cartas en el asunto el presidente, Leonel Fernández, quien aseguró que daría instrucciones para que Van der Horst se retractara. Los dueños de Aerodom destacaron que la intervención de Fernández estaba "ayudando". En la actualidad Andrés Van der Horst is president of the minority Liberal Party of the Dominican Republic. Corruption
for an ethanol plant
In another report, Ambassador Robert Fannin relates the odyssey that Forbes Energy Company went through in 2008 to get the permissions of an ethanol production plant, with 700 million dollars, would be a of the largest foreign investments in the country and the largest private nature in the field of biofuels in the world. "[The managers] are facing unnecessary delays interpreted as indications for bribes by government officials. Also had two requirements have direct high-level officials for cash payments." A signature that would stop coming around. According to the cable, the former minister of tourism, Félix Jiménez, offered to pave the way in exchange for 10 million dollars. An assistant defense minister made a similar request. To complicate matters further, the document reflects the concerns that the project can be held hostage to the rivalry between two senior officials, Radhames Segura, vice president of the Dominican government agency utilities and Minister of Economy, Temistocles Montas, "in those which are rumored to have presidential ambitions. " Ambassador Fannin
expressed in the document concern the fact that the minister could be appointed ambassador Jiménez in Washington, and proposes to revoke the visa of entry into the USA for corruption. Jimenez was removed from government in 2008 and was not nominated the U.S. ambassador, since it occupies Roberto Saladin. The company was finally able to start business.
The reports sent to Washington on corruption in the Dominican Republic extended in time and in 2007 highlights how a survey reflects the general tolerance of the population to this type of practice. 82% of Dominicans then considered corruption as tolerable and 67% had a family member or friend who had paid bribes to speed up administrative processes. At the same time the U.S. reports explain the various legal measures adopted by Leonel Fernandez, who came to power in 2004 to combat corruption. And a cable states in its conclusions: "While corruption has more impact than ever in the minds of the Dominican population, there has been little real progress in the fight against it. The culture of impunity is weakening, but the prospect of effective punishment has not progressed much. "

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Country Table Decorating


Written by: Federico Henriquez Gratereaux ( )

Make the counting of events "more relevant" year is an old custom of journalists, our country and many others. Is a form of "pass balance," as accountants, an attempt to "weigh" the good and bad that has happened during the year to a close. In December start writing these "appraisals" of events, hoping to serve for the next year to amend errors, correct "the course", duplicate the successes, persist in "the good ways." Politics, economy, natural disasters, death of notables, often central themes of the survey. December
astrologers also publish their predictions for the coming year. Are illustrated with mysterious signs, or maps of the sky with strokes that emphasize the constellations. Lots of people try to "scrutinize" the future of its economic life, family, sentimental, professional, reading the forecasts of the stars. Sometimes they bring a legend that says: "the stars incline but do not oblige." A kind of cautionary note "to any claim" by astrology service users. A "buyer beware" or "caveat emptor." During the New Year horoscope readers forget the predictions.
The "annual review" of the journalists have the same fate of horoscopes, with one difference: they are forgotten more quickly. And mention what happened is water under the bridge below the mill "social life." Horoscopes really are backward. Instead of looking forward, looking back. No government on earth "correct mistakes", or collect the amount spent, not take away the abuse. All the "scandals" go off until, finally, no longer shocking.
Perhaps in the field of "personal purposes" these accounts are useful. How many of my goals reached during the year? What goals have not accomplished yet? Anyone can propose to lose weight, work harder, do more business management, exercise your muscles and will. Individuals whether they "assume" projects for the future, based on their own experiences good and bad. Politicians, however, are confident that 'no nonsense government grave. " No need to amend anything.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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backwards "endured so much? Service

Written by: Rafael Molina Morillo ( )

Medical Association president said, as well as other authoritative voices have declared that the threat of cholera depend on the Dominican Republic for several years and therefore we must be prepared for it.
must be recognized that national health authorities have done so far a great job of prevention and control, bearing in mind that a few miles from here have died and more than two thousand people with cholera and in this part of the island the epidemic has not yet claimed a single victim.
But if the threat will be present for two or three years, one wonders: Can we Dominicans this long containing the bacteria to not pass the imaginary line is the border with Haiti?
If our health institutions have done well so far, we have to assume that will continue to do, but it must constantly maintain intensive awareness campaigns at all levels of society, to convince people on issues such as grooming and other measures, simple but effective, until the danger disappears.
This entails great sacrifices, big money, plenty of education, less selfish politicians and zero corruption. Will we?

Monday, December 13, 2010

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Interior Minister and Police, of a time now, made statements undermining a body under their responsibility, but without the necessary evidence.
statements are revealing of a reality which has also, because of his duties, a responsibility. Talk about something
said and repeated in past National Police headquarters. Poses the same numbers of past statements.
says the Body Control Order has only 15 000 of 32 000 players listed on his payroll. Seventeen thousand members of the institution in the service of officials, celebrities and generals who do nothing.
It is rounded, there is no indication that there is a real control over the number of officers on the payroll.
It might have 32 000 players, just on the payroll of the police, and that, precisely, 17 000 are in service outside of the institution.
Previously talked about this situation, besides the institution did not have the equipment and vehicles to do their job.
to keep the situation, how it would provide the National Police welfare, serving wrong, oblivious to their nature, new and expensive equipment, if those who need protection are not entitled to a real service for surveillance and defense.
This fact, if proven, says the real problem of rising crime.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Are Dickies Pants Starched

Rafael Molina Morillo ( )

Congressman John Hubieres his colleagues took all their dirty past, to discredit him after he refused and returned to 430 thousand pesos to the House-as assigned to each of them, in cash and in kind, supposedly to do good at Christmas.
I must say that Mr. Juan Hubieres not my cup of tea, but it would mean recognition of his attitude begrudge declining an immorality so great as that deputies have accepted the mass, which in total is pocketing 220 million pesos. In this case Hubieres support one hundred percent. Another episode
equally scandalous is the City of Santo Domingo East, where thirty-three aldermen seek self-assign (if not already done so) 153 million pesos a year, disguised under various headings nothing justified.
Is not this corruption? Is not it shameful that extravagance in a country much needed resources to address priority needs?
not know why I come to mind the expression "birds of prey" and I go to the dictionary, the definition for someone who draws prey with cunning or violently snatches something that is not theirs. So I conclude that the term "raptor" is a bit unfair to these birds, which in reality do little more than hunting as a means of subsistence.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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Raptors can not keep quiet! Christmas

By: Greeysis
Juan thou is a controversial figure and ground transportation entrepreneur for many years, his struggles to control urban routes with other confederations transport fare hikes and Service stops without notice to users, under the allegation of an unlimited number of claims to the sector that are never addressed by governments.
As deputy saw it coming it would be a piece of stumbling in the House since the oath and declared independence from the PRD, the party that promoted him and took him on their ballot.
Now back in the news by releasing a new scandal over the previous to become the only member that returns 1.2 million dollars that are not included in salary December 13th in salary and other pay extra (number 14) received as a member, considering that it is unethical. Hubieres
According to John, "the state will spend this Christmas the sum of 219 million 600 thousand pesos in the 183 deputies who make up the enrollment of the House, because each one is getting a value of one million 200 thousand pesos bonds, cash and kind. "
"argued that he was assigned 12 cases of rum, 12 cans of oil, 10 sacks of rice and products such as spaghetti and apple, which was removed from a warehouse located in Villa Mella. "
At a time in Dominican society is dressed in yellow to claim compliance with the Education Act which states that due on 4% of GDP in the education of the poor.
The government argues that it can comply with the law due to reduced revenues and threatens to amend all laws that specify amounts to be delivered to state agencies.

As we see with indignation the feast newspapers all public institutions for the holidays.
The First Lady made his press encounter raffling sums of 50.000 thousand and 100 thousand dollars in cash. They started sending Christmas baskets and gifts for those related. But no money for education or for the construction of large Monte Dam.
The legislative power is not far behind, share their Christmas bonus and do not protest to defend the people in their claims if not for the fact that John Hubieres make public the distribution of these resources. Unsurprisingly
to Hubieres you brought out a series of charges against him, as is the debt with the Reserve Bank, and the incidents have been involved in the struggle for control of routes.
Malo is the one who says, not to do so. If this is not corruption then what is legalized? Are moral quality
deputies and senators to evaluate the budget and defend the people? It is obvious that they defend themselves.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cellular Respiration Questions And Answers

Written by: Federico Henriquez Gratereaux ( )

best we can do during the month of December is enjoying the "small pleasures" own Christmas. Instead of "addressing" the great national problems, I suggest "letting go" by the eternal music of some Christmas carols, etched in our memory from childhood. Not a bad thing, in a chaotic and dangerous time, oil "washers" rusty heart.
We defend ourselves from thieves and robbers every day, spent the year "on call", suffering blackouts, reading reviews of crimes or misuse of public funds. Gradually we become potential aggressors, point guards to shoot. Perhaps be a few days to disarm the bomb within us because of the crime with no contention, the terrible spectacle of a predatory pricing, no national targets. Powerful reasons of mental hygiene invite you to take a break, break or vacation. The "homo sapiens" as well have invented the wheel and the compass, has been able to produce beer, rum, whiskey, and various perfumed spirits. Consume some of those wonderful concoctions not necessarily lead to death. Especially if you drink accompanied by pieces of "weavers" with slices of leg of pork, or traditional sheet cakes.
How many years have you do not hear a "parrot ripiao? Hire three musicians, drum, guiro and accordion-not be a big waste of end of year, that would disprove the "good opinion" or the International Monetary Fund. I heard that Juan Bosch, founder of the LDP, he believed that "güirero" was not a real musician. Two Christmases ago I heard a drunken guitarist explained that there are two classes percussion instruments: the drum and percussion hit "cool" and the "güirero" is a percussion musician cool.
After "cool" cassava in 2010, ending the next day 31 is more than just family fun with music, a few sips and snacks. We thank God for being alive in these times "mandíbularios" that "agonize." Anatomists categorize the muscles in "agonist-antagonist" when they have opposite functions. Antagonism is struggle. Politicians are actors, namely main fighters. Stop the fight momentarily, stop the "agony" and enjoy.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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The return could be more serious still

Editorial El Dia

government shorelines wonder how it will invest some resources that would devote 4 percent of gross domestic product to improve the quality of education.
If that was the official government view, then this is a bigger problem than we thought, it would be an admission that the authorities have designed programs on how to improve the quality of Dominican education.
The immediate question is: what been made to remove the country from the end of all lists of regional education indicators?
course the country needs an education revolution in the design and implementation involving all sectors, particularly technology area, the Regents of the schools and the recipients of what makes the whole education system.
Another question that arises from the coastal officials, this time from the Minister of Finance, is: why now and not before?
It's like asking why the French Revolution was when it happened and not before, why the American independence was then and not before, why was the National Independence in 1844 and not before, why the execution of the dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo was 30 May and not before. In short, as little conceptual question the answer is simple: everything is one day.
could have been sooner if it had complied with the agreements of the National Dialogue, or if they had heeded the bishops' pastoral letters of 2006 and 2009, or of breached agreements with employers.
hope that the authorities did know what to do to improve education and unfortunately they do now instead of before.

Monday, December 6, 2010

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Wikileaks case, minimize the impact of corruption scandal heads of world government

At the beginning of December 3rd Ibero-American Summit of Heads Government in Mar del Plata, context will the scandal generated by filtering reports by involving several U.S. presidents and Latin American governments, including Argentina, which was announced by the English agency policies on efforts to moderate the president of Bolivia and lay bare agreements with Venezuela with Chavez's government on the conflict with Colombia.
site spread of 200 000 documents found in their database on the State Department reserved the Executive came from the Secret Internet Protocol Network Routes , where the messages were allegedly stolen that shocked the world.
The English daily El Country, "released a tranche of those leaked documents and the Internet by Wikileaks violated than 223,000 reports relating to the Argentina 2233 and the difficulty of maintaining relationship with former president and current K CFK, to play critical opinions of former Chief of Staff Alberto Fernandez and Sergio Massa as they were denied.
According story of a U.S. diplomat a few weeks after leaving his official posts in 2009, Sergio Massa said that during the rule K, the current president was following orders of it and called Kirchner psychopath. The mayor of Tigre said that Kirchner had a chance to win the elections of 2011 and treated with a President subject to her husband, and she could work better alone. According to the newspaper El Pais also A. Fernández ( former Chief of Staff K) was critical of marriage auque more discreet in saying that Néstor K has a better reputation than his wife, but you can not win in 2011 for only eleccciones 23% in the first round with the help of its side, the only sector that remains faithful.
also a critical view of Macri ( Chief City Government) said in a meeting regarding K Manichean handle the discomfort of the subtleties their interpersonal communications.
The disclosure reports that were leaked classified documents, was the only person arrested by Bradley Manning, a former soldier of 23 who was a computer analyst in Iraq and was on Operating Base Hammer, 60 km from Baghdad ( networks had access to White House ), stole confidential info to a blank CD in your computer pretending to listen to songs from Lady Gaga, but what he did was actually write the documentation then transferred to Wikileaks.
The Defense Department agreed to its colossal failure in its top secret intelligence strategy to ensure secrecy said Rep. Peter Hoekstra, the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives, which were revealed by the creator of Wikileaks, Julian Assange who is wanted by Interpol and also has a new target with the business of Wall Street, to unleash a controversy was published in Forbes magazine, in disseminating information about a major bank on its unethical operations similar to Clean and Jerk that declared bankruptcy in late 2001 to make up losses in its balance.
Next Assange filtration material is anticipated on the true vision of how banks behave in the ecosystem of corruption practices unethical, despite the billions paid to bail out financial institutions that failed to recover after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
This shameful system reveals that the U.S. has diplomatic fragility of his figures, which are vulnerable in their espionage and violation of international treaties, and have differences in their capitalist system, Assange said Hilary Clinton to have violated U.S. diplomacy should resign, they told Time magazine.
President Obama has opted for the official silence by not taking questions about the case, although the revelations are uncomfortable and effects tend to persist diplomatically, although protected from the storm that will continue to share information beyond what happened, despite the indignities and governments deal with the U.S., because they're interested, others because they are afraid and other because they respect us even though they do not have confidence, why most need us and we remain an indispensable nation, "said Bill Gates stating that the scandal is not as great as it seems and its consequences will be lasting.
"If the unseen world is suspicious then everything must be revealed" reported by The New Yorker and Wikileaks has released State Department documents, the House White and the Pentagon put through its cables, the corruption uncovered by the mesquina hypocrisy and banality of American diplomats, speaking of a vast network of patronage seeking to find to avoid global disaster.
WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange 39, which aroused worldwide controversy by releasing into place over 250,000 confidential documents from the U.S. Government, was arrested on December 7 by police in London Following an arrest warrant issued by the Swedish authorities "on suspicion of rape" , Scotland Yard said in a statement, and should presented for appearing before the court at Westminster.
It became very famous a few months ago, when it released a video cold-blooded killing of Iraqis in the streets of Baghdad , images taken from a helicopter that spun in circles with a substantive dialogue that froze the blood. That video, then broadcast and seen YouTube 4.8 million times in just one week, caused a scandal spread in various media around the world:

Baghdad's video was the biggest blow Wikileaks so far, although more than 1 million documents unauthorized already part of their base content.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

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RIO; PM sends tanks to combat drug trafficking in favelas

When Cariocas were accustomed to living in peace and "marvelous city" was preparing to welcome thousands of summer tourists to the beginning of 2011, the alliance of the two main drug gangs again place these days in Rio de Janeiro suspense and under fire, with a wave of attacks and counter-terror police have been planted in the streets. Six Brazilian army armored vehicles joined the police operation to fill Rio's favelas complex suburb of Penha, to end the wave of attacks by drug traffickers left 30 people dead since last weekend including innocent civilians, according to police.
According to Secretary of Public Security of Rio, the Navy's involvement in the operations shall only logistics, supply of military equipment and food for police officers who prepared the invasion of the favela of Vila Cruzeiro, and the whole Alemao, according to the intelligence service would be the main strongholds of drug traffickers.
The war waged between police and drug traffickers, left so far at least 55 people, mostly suspected criminals, police said.
The situation escalated when armored naval riflemen armed with heavy caliber machine guns, and commanded by the military police arrived at the entrance of the favela (shantytown ) of Vila Cruzeiro, in the northern part of the host city 2014 World Cup and the Olympic Games in 2016.
In an unprecedented display, six of the tracked vehicles were positioned at the entrance of the slum in the suburb of Penha ( north), where authorities say dug offenders prosecuted by the police.
The operation, which began mid-morning and has no estimate of completion, is to "take control of the territory ( it was taken over by drug trafficking," a police spokesman stressed the TV Globo) .
Large military vehicles with machine guns, 50 mm-ceded by Navy and never before used in these streets, proceeded with the tapes of track through the steep streets of the nose, opening the way for another six caveirões, black armored vehicles used by the BOPE. Debris left behind the barricades built by the traffickers, who fled in small factions firing their guns and took refuge in the bush, while helicopters were targeted by military police patrols.
By late afternoon, Vila Cruzeiro was under total control of government forces and drug traffickers had managed to escape down a slope of the hill, dubbed "Green Hell."
The spectacular "hunt" it happened in broad daylight, with neighbors entrenched in their humble homes and television broadcasting everything from their own helicopters.
The violence began with attacks, burning of buses with petrol bombs and shooting at police posts, which in the last hours was answered by security forces in the favelas blitzes that have left 28 dead, ten wounded, 29 vehicles torched and 180 arrested. In fear, many people have started to stop going out at night, while during the day it shows much less traffic on major avenues, now patrolled by helicopters.
According to authorities, for the first time in 20 years of territorial disputes, the rival criminal factions Commando Vermelho and Amigos dos Amigos joined forces with the aim of destabilizing the largest public safety project launched by the state government, the Units of Peacekeeping Police (UPP).
Since 2008, at the initiative of Gov. Sergio Cabral, the UPP has been settled in 14 favelas of Rio de Janeiro in order to provide a safe city for the World Cup matches to be held here in 2014 and Olympic Games, you will receive in 2016.
"Analysis Service of the Secretariat of Intelligence found that is having this kind of union of two factions," Security Secretary confirmed the state of Rio de Janeiro, José Mariano Beltrame, who reported also ordered the transfer of several lords of the prisons where drug dealers were arrested in other prisons, and were communicating with each other to launch attacks .
Yesterday was the bloodiest day of the counteroffensive, with 24 deaths, one of them a girl of 14 who died from a stray bullet came through the window of her house when she was studying in front computer.
But the vast majority of those killed were suspected drug traffickers from the Commando Vermelho, which dominates the slums the north of the city, especially the dangerous Complexo do Alemão, or Amigos dos Amigos, which controls drug trafficking in the Rocinha favela in the south, the largest in Latin America.
According to police, members of the Commando Vermelho were behind the arson attacks on the Linha Vermelha strategic highway that leads from downtown to the airport Tom Jobim / Galeão, while members of Amigos dos Amigos were responsible for the dreaded ( road blocks and car thefts ) that sparked panic among residents in the quiet area of \u200b\u200bthe Botanical Garden.
Other operating
developed in parallel by the Civil Police (with less firepower than the military police) in the favela of Jacarezinho, also north, killed seven people, which added to the 23 of the last five days, rising to 30 dead, among whom are innocent civilians, a police spokesman told AFP, and the seven who died in Jacarezinho, the police know if it's suspected drug traffickers.
Meanwhile, in other slums in the area and pacified by the police presence, as if some located in the Tijuca neighborhood, the police showed his face tense checkpoints, showing short and long arms, fearing that criminals take advantage of the situation to try to regain their former areas of traffic, according to an AFP reporter.
According to authorities, the chaos that erupted on Sunday night and also resulted in attacks on police posts, is a reaction to the installation of these units Peacekeeping Police (UPP) in 13 slums which were driven traffickers.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Monday, November 1, 2010

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