2010, the tinderbox of the Middle East
It is becoming increasingly more complex global caledoscopio Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran and Israel in which complex political issues the world that began at the beginning of siglo XXI.
Su protagonista principal es hoy los EE.UU por su economía equivalente a la cuarta parte de lo producido en el mundo, y destina un presupuesto de defensa que suma el gasto militar del resto del mundo. Su defensa recae como superpotencia internacional y está comprometida con los conflictos del M edio Oriente en su mayor parte, los asiáticos del sur y la ex URSS.
La peligrosidad surge hoy en el mundo islámico entre sunitas y chiítas y los EE.UU son concientes de la amenaza de seguridad que representan después de lo ocurrido el 11 de septiembre del 2001. Hoy el flagelo continúa con un panorama incierto con Afganistán y Pakistán sumado ahora el régimen iraní por sus desvelos de la energía nuclear, and before this could add coaboración Moscow with the Persians to take their plans forward.
For its part China is reluctant to push for new sanctions and complicates things with contracts of energy supply to Iran from the Soviet collapse, Washington set out to prevent Russia from regaining its superpower status and missed the opportunity to reach a cooperation between the two, and continues in a Cold War mentality, as these old enemies are negotiating a document to replace the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) that was signed in 1991 and expires in December 2009.
West suspects Iran be trying to develop nuclear weapons under the BE COVERED a civil energy program, and denies it while the Kremlin says that so far no evidence confirming the allegations. However
Obama exchanged a handshake with the Russian premier Medvedev in the fourth meeting of conversations the two had to assume the presidency, and reiterated their commitment to a nuclear disarmament accord of analyzing the war in Afghanistan. Today
the political chessboard is generated in the Iranian scenario in the region is intertwined with extreme vulnerability with Israel against nuclear proliferation and its diminutive size in Israel would face a war loser nuclear as a detonation in Tel Aviv would be sufficient, while his enemies could survive several bombs.
To avoid this outcome the Jewish state depends on the protection of U.S. and if the Iranian atomic bomb looms as inevitable, the Persians would attack Israel preemptively but this could spark retaliation by Islamic extremism and would harm the U.S. project protect the region and his or ims in Afghanistan and Pakistan relating to their own safety.
why U.S. should prevent Iran from making his bomb and it's hard to imagine how you can get without arranging an agreement with Russia and China first, when Russia is in a privileged position because it is building Iran's first nuclear plant in the city of Bushehr, and has signed a contract to deliver ultra defense missiles to Tehran that has not yet been fulfilled. To yield to the pretensions of the Kremlin must become a dominant power in the countries of the Soviet empire collapsed, compared to the desires of Beijing are more dangerous than Ayatollah regime.
Tehran rejected the proposal of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to send its uranium enrichment under, Russia and France to transform into enriched material and return it to the Ayatollahs who need to generate energy and medical isotopes, and the more even the Iranian theocratic regime announced the construction of 10 uranium enrichment plant is not subject to IAEA inspections. Given these statements
the U.S. started speeding up the deployment of defenses against Iranian attacks in the Persian Gulf by installing anti-missile systems in the Strait of Hormuz to ensure the Gulf oil output, crucial for the global economy, and both Obama and Medvedev Iran warned that they are being Conclude the time to diplomatically resolve the nuclear crisis and the patience to reach a UN mediation.
The sanctions will be considered jointly with the European countries is intended to warn Tehran that unless retocede in its nuclear aspirations can be attacked, and should seek to reassure Jerusalem to prevent a preemptive strike, the initiative is now in Iranian hands.
the moment the Middle East is sitting on a powder keg and this danger never took as topical as this delicate tangled political situation is difficult to solve if someone does not give his position on something.